Breaking New Ground in Suncare: The Story of Substance of Light®



Introducing Substance of Light®, a French suncare brand that promises to redefine how we think about sun protection. At the helm of this new brand is Clara Nentille (founder and CEO), a woman whose personal experience with her father's battle against skin cancer ignited a passion for creating more effective suncare solutions. Drawing from her background in investment banking and a lifelong passion for cosmetics, Clara has designed Substance of Light® to tackle the specific challenges faced by urban dwellers.

In her pursuit of excellence, she has forged collaborations with esteemed institutions like the CNRS and Sorbonne University, ensuring that Substance of Light's offerings are backed by cutting-edge science and unwavering environmental responsibility. The brand’s flagship product, TRUE FILTER™ mist, provides robust protection against UVB, UVA, blue light, and pollution. Its lightweight, invisible formula is perfect for reapplication throughout the day, even over makeup.

Join us as we dive into Clara Nentille's inspiring story and discover the innovative solutions she's bringing to the suncare market with Substance of Light®.

Can you share more about your personal experiences that motivated you to start Substance of Light®?

My motivation to start Substance of Light® stems from a deeply personal experience. Watching my father undergo multiple surgeries due to skin cancer had a profound impact on me. This personal struggle highlighted the limitations of traditional sun protection and inspired me to create a more effective and practical solution. Additionally, my long-standing passion for cosmetics, which began in my teenage years, drove me to pursue this venture. The desire to make a difference in sun care and skin health is the core of my mission.

How did your background in investment banking influence your approach to launching a skincare brand?

My background in investment banking provided me with a strong foundation in finance, strategic planning, and business development. The rigorous environment taught me the importance of meticulous research, risk management, and data-driven decision-making. These skills have been invaluable in launching Substance of Light®, particularly in managing the financial aspects of product development, securing funding, and navigating the complexities of the skincare market.

What inspired the name "Substance Of Light®" and how does it reflect the brand's ethos?

Light is a complex phenomenon that lies at the intersection of science, art, and human health. Specifically, light is a form of energy that propagates as electromagnetic waves. It is not matter in the conventional sense, but it interacts with matter and does have an impact on it.

The name "Substance Of Light®" reflects the dual nature of light in our lives—it is essential for our well-being, yet can be harmful to our skin without proper protection. This concept aligns perfectly with our brand ethos of providing products that harness the benefits of light while shielding against its damaging effects. The name encapsulates our commitment to innovation, protection, and enhancing the natural radiance of our skin.

How did you assemble your team of experts, including the scientific committee and dermatologists?

Assembling our team of experts was a meticulous process. We took the time to meet with dozens of laboratories in France and Italy before partnering with a former CNRS researcher specialized in sun care formulations. What was important for us was excellence, an innovative approach to support us, and the trust we could have in him. My attendance at many conferences with the Société Française de Photo-dermatologie (SFPD) was key to constituting a solid scientific committee. There, I met many experts who understood my mission and became invested in it. The team is now notably composed of experts from the SFPD, Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer, CNRS, and Sorbonne University, ensuring our products meet the highest scientific standards.

Can you elaborate on the three-year development process of your signature product, the TRUE FILTER™️ mist?

The development of our patented formula TRUE FILTER™ spanned three years and involved extensive research, testing, and refinement. We started by identifying the most effective and environmentally responsible ingredients and sun filters, followed by rigorous lab testing to ensure safety and performance. Throughout this period, we collaborated with our scientific committee to optimize the formula, focusing on achieving a lightweight, invisible mist that could be applied over makeup. Multiple iterations and real-world testing with volunteers helped us perfect the product to meet our high standards.

What makes TRUE FILTER™️ mist unique in the current market of sun protection products?

TRUE FILTER™ stands out due to its innovative formulation and application method. Unlike traditional sunscreens, it offers comprehensive protection against UVB, UVA, blue light, and pollution. Its mist texture is lightweight, invisible, and non-greasy, making it ideal for reapplication throughout the day without disrupting makeup. Additionally, its eco-friendly composition, with a strict selection of filters and a blacklist of 1400 ingredients, sets it apart from many conventional products that use potentially harmful filters like oxybenzone, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, avobenzone, homosalate, or nanoparticles.

How do you balance the use of natural ingredients with the need for effective sun protection filters?

Balancing natural ingredients with effective sun protection involves careful selection and rigorous testing. We prioritize natural, skin-friendly ingredients while ensuring that our sun filters meet the highest standards of both protection and safety for the individual and the ocean. To achieve this, we have conducted several clinical tests with the Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer, supported by the CNRS and Sorbonne University. Our R&D process focuses on integrating these elements harmoniously, ensuring that our products are both safe and effective. This approach allows us to offer high-performance sun care solutions that are gentle on the skin and environmentally conscious.

Why is it crucial for consumers to reapply sunscreen, and how does Substance Of Light® make this easier?

Reapplying sunscreen is crucial because its effectiveness diminishes over time. Many people only apply sunscreen in the morning and neglect the reapplication, leading to inadequate protection.

At Substance Of Light®, we believe the best protection is the one you are willing to apply and reapply. We address this issue with our TRUE FILTER™ mist, which is designed for easy reapplication. Its non-greasy, invisible formula can be sprayed over makeup or bare skin, ensuring continuous protection without the hassle of traditional sunscreens.


Is SPF25 enough for daily application ?

The SPF (Sun Protection Factor) value indicates the time it takes for the skin to develop sunburn (erythema) caused by UVB rays. For example, if your skin burns in 10 minutes without sunscreen but takes 250 minutes (about 4 hours) to burn with sunscreen, the sunscreen allows you to be exposed to UVB rays 25 times longer and has an SPF value of 25.

While an SPF 50 is recommended for the beach to extend the time between reapplications and prevent sunburn, even an SPF15 with regular application is enough for a daily protection from the sun (as recommended by the National Cancer Institute and the Professor Adèle Green). Note that an SPF 25 offers protection almost equivalent to an SPF 50, covering 96% of UVB rays, while SPF 50 adds only 1-2% more protection, besides providing a longer duration of protection.

However, SPF only refers to UVB protection (B for Burn), which causes sunburn. Daily focus should be on preventing UVA (A for Aging), which is responsible for premature skin aging (pigment spots and wrinkles). SPF does not guarantee protection against UVA: the PA or PPD rating (UVA Protection Rating) indicates this protection. Additionally, it's crucial to have protection against visible blue light, as it works synergistically with UVA to cause pigment spots or hyperpigmentation.

TRUE FILTER™ offers optimal protection against UVA with a PA+++, and also protects against visible blue light and urban pollution, which cause oxidative stress. Moreover, its texture encourages reapplication.

How do you educate consumers about the dangers of blue light exposure and indoor exposition?

We've observed that many consumers are unaware that, in addition to the skin dangers posed by UVB rays, UVA, blue light, and pollution also contribute to skin aging and pigmentation issues. Since UVA rays penetrate through windows and clouds, it's crucial to protect our skin even when indoors near a window.

Our educational materials emphasize the scientific evidence linking UVA and blue light exposure to skin aging and health concerns. To address this gap in knowledge, we're committed to ongoing consumer education through a blend of digital content, social media campaigns, and partnerships with dermatologists and skincare influencers. By increasing awareness of these risks, we aim to empower consumers to take protective measures, including the use of our products offering defense against UVA and blue light.

What strategies do you employ to raise awareness about the need for sun protection even indoors?

Our approach involves crafting engaging, positive, and humor-filled social media content, despite the serious nature of the topic, alongside forging partnerships with skincare experts to underscore the significance of indoor sun protection. We emphasize the ability of UVA rays to penetrate windows and the skin-damaging effects of blue light emitted from screens. Through the delivery of practical advice infused with humor and upbeat vibes, we empower consumers to seamlessly incorporate sun protection into their daily indoor routines.

What role do you believe hybrid products (combining skincare and suncare) will play in the future of skincare?

Hybrid products are the future of skincare as they offer multifunctional benefits, simplifying routines and providing comprehensive care. Especially in the realm of suncare, where traditional products may leave behind a white cast or greasy residue, the future lies in lightweight, moisturizing formulations that seamlessly integrate into morning routines. These products, like our TRUE FILTER™ mist, combine sun protection with skincare benefits such as hydration, antioxidant protection, and anti-aging properties. As consumers seek efficiency and effectiveness, hybrid products will become increasingly popular, addressing multiple skin concerns in a single application.

What are some common misconceptions about sun protection?

Common misconceptions include the belief that sunscreen is only necessary on sunny days or during outdoor activities. Many people also think that high SPF alone provides complete protection. In reality, daily sun protection is essential regardless of weather or location, and comprehensive protection against UVA, UVB, blue light and pollution is crucial. Additionally, reapplication throughout the day is necessary for sustained effectiveness.

Can you explain why sun protection is the number one anti-aging strategy?

Sun protection is the most effective anti-aging strategy because UV radiation is a primary cause of skin aging. Prolonged exposure to UV rays leads to collagen breakdown, wrinkles, pigmentation, and loss of skin elasticity. By consistently using sun protection, we can prevent these signs of aging and maintain healthier, more youthful skin over time. Products like TRUE FILTER™ provide this essential defense, helping to preserve skin's integrity.

What new products or innovations can we expect from Substance Of Light® in the near future?

We are excited to expand our product line with two new innovations set to launch in 2025. These products will continue to focus on daily sun protection while incorporating additional skincare benefits. Our pipeline includes advanced formulations that address specific skin concerns, such as pigmentation and aging, while maintaining our commitment to natural and eco-friendly ingredients.

How do you foresee the future of suncare evolving with advances in technology?

Advances in technology will revolutionize suncare with more precise and personalized solutions. Innovations such as wearable UV sensors, smart sunscreens that adapt to environmental conditions, and enhanced formulations with multifunctional benefits and tailored for each phototype (with different concerns) will become mainstream. These advancements will make sun protection more effective, convenient, and tailored to individual needs, encouraging broader adoption and better skin health outcomes.

What personal skincare routine do you follow, and how does Substance Of Light® fit into it?

My skincare routine focuses on hydration, protection, moisturization, and cleansing. In the morning, I start with a refreshing glass of water, I cleanse my face, and then apply a control sebum serum and hydrating cream, occasionally complementing with makeup. Then, I use TRUE FILTER™ mist for sun protection and an antioxidant boost. Throughout the day, I reapply the mist to maintain protection while staying hydrated with water. In the evening, I double cleanse again, and finish with a rich moisturizer. Substance of Light® products are integral to my routine, ensuring my skin stays protected and healthy.





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