Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science: Redefining Skincare with Subtle Energies



Founded by Farida Irani, Subtle Energies combines the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with the modern science of aromatherapy to create holistic skincare solutions. This innovative brand offers luxurious, effective products that nurture both skin and spirit, setting new standards in the wellness industry.

Farida Irani’s journey into the world of skincare and wellness is a compelling blend of tradition and innovation. It began in the 1990s, guided by the wisdom of her Ayurveda mentor, Professor Dr. PH Kulkarni. Known as a modern grandfather of Ayurveda, Dr. Kulkarni imparted invaluable lessons that Farida has carried throughout her career: the importance of resilience, the pursuit of knowledge, and the timeless relevance of ancient practices.

Inspired by these teachings, Farida identified a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between Ayurveda and aromatherapy. Through meticulous research and practice, she developed a novel approach that marries the ancient principles of Ayurveda with the refined techniques of modern aromatherapy. This fusion has given rise to Subtle Energies, a brand that stands at the forefront of holistic wellness.

Subtle Energies is not just a skincare line; it is a testament to Farida’s dedication to lifelong learning and her vision of integrating age-old wisdom with contemporary science. From creating bespoke blends for luxury hotels to establishing a significant presence in the European market, Farida’s work has resonated globally, offering holistic solutions that nurture both skin and spirit. Through sustainable practices and a commitment to education, Subtle Energies continues to honor its roots while setting new standards in the wellness industry.

  • What inspired the inception of Subtle Energies, and how did your personal journey lead you to blend Ayurveda with aromatherapy?

 My studies into Ayurveda began in the  90s with my Ayurveda guru, Professor Dr PH Kulkarni who was the Ex Dean of the Ayurveda Faculty, Pune University and a modern grandfather of Ayurveda. However, we also grew up with Ayurveda from childhood, as our grandmothers incorporated  it into our daily living and practices. My Prof Dr P. H. Kulkarni taught me a valuable lesson that irrespective of adversities always march on Farida.  He always said I was a student of Ayurveda, I am a student of Ayurveda and will always remain a student of Ayurveda. He humbly called himself Loka Guru, guru of the common man.  I understand those profound words, as I am still learning from my teachers, my colleagues, my students, my clients, my friends, my associates, competitors and family, It comes with years of practice and what I learn daily whether from my own practices or when working on my clients as each one is different. Sitting in with my professor Dr P H Kulkarni over the years during consultations taught me what no books can teach.

My work and research led me to specialize and pioneer what is now called Ayurveda Aromatherapy. I realised through my clinic, my studies and practice that both these sciences of Ayurveda and Aromatherapy were phenomenal, however, I was able to identify that there were gaps, so I decided to bridge these gaps and combine the best of both disciplines, the ancient time-tested principles, philosophy and techniques of Ayurveda, together with the finesse and expertise of Aromatherapy and its modern techniques is a powerful combination. Ayurvaidyas (those who practice Ayurveda) mainly use herbal oil decoctions, which are very therapeutic, but made via a different process to essential oils and the art of blending in aromatherapy.  Essential oils are 70-100 times more potent than the herb or plant itself. So we recommend that they should not be used neat. The skincare brand was created later, after working with the Taj group of hotels creating their blends for their brand, we realised that through the Spa and wellness world we can actually touch and access more people but in order to do that we had to become a brand. We developed skincare and body care using the oils and research as the active ingredients within the range partnering with natural skincare chemists in Australia, producing skincare at a European standard level.

  • Aromatherapy plays a pivotal role in Subtle Energies' product lineup. Could you elaborate on how the unique blends of essential oils in your products impact skin health and emotional well-being?

 Ayurveda Aromatherapy is based on the combination of authentic Ayurveda philosophy and principles utilised in blending rare and potent essential oils, most of which are not known in the western aromatherapy world and are from the Vedic pharmacy. Ayurveda does not use Aromatherapy and Essential oils as we do in Ayurveda Aromatherapy.

I realised through my clinic, studies, and practice that both these sciences were so phenomenal, however I was able to identify that there were gaps, so I decided to bridge these gaps and combine the best of both disciplines, The ancient time-tested principles, philosophy, and techniques of Ayurveda, together with the finesse and expertise of Aromatherapy and its modern techniques is a powerful combination. Ayurvaidyas (those who practice Ayurveda) mainly use herbal oil decoctions, which are very therapeutic, but made via a different process to essential oils and the art of blending in aromatherapy.  Essential oils are 70-100 times more potent than the herb or plant itself. Combining the two sciences also adds a powerful sensory benefit which can sometimes be a miss in traditional Ayurveda with the aromas. We have always sourced the highest grade of unique and powerful oils and actives using through sustainable ethical trade, using artisan distillers, a lot of which are wild harvested and all naturally cultivated, each with its own intent and purpose.  In the 90s we came across distillers who were producing rare and exotic oils, such as the Mogra, Tulsai, Saffron, Kewda, and much more.  These oils were not just the traditional lavender oil, geranium oil, that we commonly see, but these oils were unique and rare in their chemical compositions, which gave a profound aroma for skin, mind and body. I was intrigued, and dived deeper into really understanding the chemical compositions, and the therapeutics of the oils by working and playing with them and blending the formulas, and that is where our clinical research was born that underpins our products

  • Subtle Energies' products are designed for a broad spectrum of physical and emotional concerns. Could you provide insight into how the brand approaches product development with a holistic perspective?

Combining the two sciences also adds a powerful sensory benefit which can sometimes be a miss in traditional Ayurveda with the aromas. Aromatics in the form of essential oils also are a lot easier for the body to absorb, with the high potency that we mentioned above. They can be absorbed trans dermally very easily creating a profound and effective result through the body’s physiology and works at the same time through the olfactory system. You get a whole new perspective dealing with Vedic herbs in this format. With beauty regimes, most people concentrate purely on the face, but with looking after your body from the inside out, your facial skin, your stress, your worry lines automatically fade away. Ayurveda lays great emphasis on looking at beauty holistically and from within. The use of Mogra is a great example of this, stemming from the Vedic pharmacy of botanicals. It is an exceptional powerhouse, an anti-ageing ingredient, at the same time beyond its incredible topical applications for the skin it has also shown profound results in assisting with issues of stress, anxiety, and insomnia.  I call this oil, the oil of Joy and it has proven to be an amazing tool within my clinical environment and is now a favourite within our skincare, found in our Facial blend, Mogra Rejuvenating Gold Cream and Blissful Sleep Blend. Even the use of 24K Gold stems from a deep rooted history within Ayurveda, gold being a powerful Rasayana (Rasayana is an ingredient that provides rejuvenation and longevity of life) works on a cellular level but to be effective in beauty, you need a certain dosage delivered into the dermal layers. A lot of the actives we use are adaptogens or apoptogenic in nature and along with their physical properties, can deliver the ability to help restore the balance of the stressors found within the body.

  • Subtle Energies has made a significant entry into the European market through an exclusive partnership with Le Bon Marché in Paris. Could you share what this expansion means for the brand and its vision for holistic wellness in Europe?

 The launch of our Brand at Le Bon Marché is a momentous and hugely proud milestone for us.  Paris has always held a special place in our hearts and continues to be a huge focus for our brand and our expansion. It's not just a city; it's a world-renowned symbol of style, culture, and beauty. To see our products on the shelves in such an iconic landmark as Le Bon Marché is a truly special occasion. We are delighted to introduce our unique formulations to the beauty aware consumers in Paris who appreciate quality and efficacy in skincare. We believe that our brand's philosophy aligns perfectly with their desire for natural, high-quality products, with strong efficacy providing sustained results. We have no doubt that with the expansion of holistic wellness in Europe we have found a great home at Le Bon Marché to debut our work.


  • Your "Facial Blend" has been a staple since the brand's early days. What makes it so special and effective?

 This Blend was and is one of my favourite and most loved formulas, prescribed in my clinic in Sydney in the 1990’s. This is a wonderful daily face moisturising treatment serum, but also has many deeper benefits. The Blend gives a youthful glow whilst providing cell renewing rejuvenation, restoration and hydration for all skin types, particularly dry and mature skin. However, it is also a powerful and effective tool against anxiety and emotional imbalance and assists in improving sleep. The active ingredients work through the olfactory system, sending chemical messengers almost instantaneously. The Facial Blend balances all three Doshas* resulting in a harmonious synergy of the fire, air, water, earth, and ether energies within us, providing balance to the skin and senses.

In my clinic we support a lot of clients going through Cancer therapies which has a big impact on one’s mental health. This tool supports them a lot. Similarly, a lot of people coming to me with insomnia find this an essential part of their routine.

This Blend contains precious and exquisite essential oils of Mogra, Sandalwood and Indian Rose, which have been blended with a base oil of Jojoba and the fortifying base oil of Ashwagandha. The unique and sensual aroma is soothing to the senses, providing tranquillity and peace of mind. This velvety textured oil blend works to revitalise damaged skin, smoothing blemishes, firms the skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines. 

Ashwagandha is a powerful ingredient that will firm and strengthen the skin. Mogra is known to repair the skin cell structure, rejuvenate and restore the skin while promoting collagen synthesis, which is essential to keeping the skin looking younger, firmer, and healthier. 

 Mogra has been used for centuries in ceremonies and for well-being purposes.  Known as the ‘Queen of Jasmine’, Mogra is an oil of joy that is used in spiritual worship and is known for its sensuality and for balancing the female energy.

  • What inspired the creation of Subtle Energies' Aura protection spray and other unique products?

 This particular product was inspired by my work with Chakras as we have a whole 200 hours devoted to this branch of Ayurveda in our Diploma course that we teach in Ayurveda Aromatherapy and from that and the research within that this product was born.

Our Aura Protection Body Mist is a very special tool assisting in focus, grounding, and adding clarity during meditation. This mist is an ideal tool to use to cleanse your personal space, or to use at home or in a work environment. This special blend of grounding and protective oils contains Rhu Khus (an emerald green Vetiver that nurtures the Heart Chakra, bringing in prosperity and abundance), Saffron, grounding and used by Sufi saints to write the Talisman for protection. Tulasi which eliminates negativity and is great for decision making. Rhu Khus a deep emerald green colour nurtures the Heart Chakra, bringing in prosperity and abundance Lime and Rosewood refresh and clear the mind of fogginess, calming nausea and assisting the detox process that may occur during a yoga program. It’s a great tool for decision making, and we see a lot of corporate executives incorporating this now in their boardrooms and the workplace. It also was created to help therapists and practitioners cleanse their aura and space after treating their clients.

  • Can you share a success story or a particularly rewarding feedback you've received from a user of your products?

 We have a large collection of clinical case studies related to my work with various chronic conditions, particularly sleep issues using patches, Nasya oil, and our Blissful Sleep blend. One skincare story that stands out is of a young gentleman suffering from a complete breakdown of his skin barrier and chronic dryness, causing his skin to flake. He endured this condition for years, visiting numerous dermatologists and trying a wide range of medicated creams, all to no avail.

 In his early 30s, he came to us, and we recommended using our Facial Blend together with the Mogra Rejuvenating Gold Cream. Typically, we suggest using 2-3 drops of the Facial Blend, but we advised him to use as much as his skin needed, which turned out to be 15 drops, applied two to three times a day, with the Mogra Gold Cream on top. Three weeks later, when we checked on him, his skin had transformed. He only required 2 drops of the Facial Blend once in at night and used the Gold Cream alone as a daily moisturiser.

Apart from being a stunning success in skin repair and renewal, and proof that these active ingredients provide results, this story highlights another important factor: listening to your skin. He noticed that his skin improved, changed, and adapted, leading him to adjust his routine to avoid using excess product, which is very important.

Another rewarding feedback is around our Aura Protection Mist with young kids, while it wasn’t designed for this demographic, because the onset of anxiety in the younger demographics with the world around them is an epidemic on its own. It is extremely rewarding when we hear that the mist is a useful tool for them, either before sleep or in daily life.

  • How has the reception of Ayurvedic principles changed in the West since you started Subtle Energies?

 A lot of people had not heard about Ayurveda in the 90s, at the same time I would also contradict that as there were parts of the west that have been deeply into Ayurveda for some time. Then as popularity grew at the turn of the century a lot of people thought that Ayurveda is pouring oil on the body, herbs and diet but Ayurveda (which translates to Science of Life) is a very time tested and in-depth science of health. People do get surprised to learn and now are learning that there are 8 branches of medicine in Ayurveda, Internal Medicine, Toxicology, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Surgery (the great Ayurveda surgeon Sushruta who practiced thousands of years ago is recognised in modern science as being one of the fathers of surgery) , there is also Rasayana which is the branch that deals with longevity of life, and Vajekaran which is Vitality and Virility.

Similarly with Aromatherapy and essential oils people also sometimes feel that there is something hippish about it, but they are not magic potions. They have the ability to go through the olfactory bulb, through the blood brain barrier and work on the limbic region of the brain where all our memories are stored, past and present.  This in turn impacts the Autonomic Nervous System

So we are not only seeing a superficial interest in Ayurveda but its leading to people leading a Vedic conscious lifestyle which is exactly what Ayurveda is.

  • How does Subtle Energies educate and engage new customers, particularly in Europe, about the benefits and practices of Ayurveda aromatherapy, which might be new to them?

 Subtle Energies employs many approaches to educate and engage new customers in Europe about the benefits and practices of Ayurveda Aromatherapy. We offer comprehensive educational content on our website, detailing the therapeutic properties of our products. We also host workshops and webinars, and in particular plan on doing such experiences at places such as Le Bon Marché and our spa partners providing hands-on learning experiences about the basics of Ayurveda and how to incorporate its principles into daily life via the brand, Through our robust training of these partners in retail and spas, customers have direct access to knowledgeable staff who can explain benefits and the practices to them as well.
For those who want to take their education to the next stage we are relaunching our Diploma in Ayurveda Aromatherapy and breaking it down into different tiers of courses. This is not brand focused but gives in depth knowledge of these sciences which can eventually build into a government recognised qualification as the course is nationally accredited.. So our ability is able to educated on all levels. This new platform on will allow us to reach audiences in Europe easily.

  • With a significant presence in prestigious locations like Le Bon Marché and luxury hotels (Peninsula) , how does Subtle Energies tailor its offerings and services to meet the expectations of a luxury wellness market?

 Every location is unique to us, but the core of our work and belief remains the same. Holistic wellness emphasises the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, and the significance of treating the whole being. This is where my daughter Khursheed Irani took my work and made it driven for the expectations of the luxury wellness market without compromising the integrity and efficacy of our work. She also is an accomplished clinical practitioner of over 25 years with a degree in TCM and Acupuncture, she is also an Ayurveda Aromatherapist, Clinical Aromatherapist and a Bowen therapy instructor… Tailoring and tweaking our treatments and offerings to individuals ensures a personalised and effective experience that addresses not only physical ailments but also emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. By recognizing and honouring the individuality of each person, holistic wellness practices can empower individuals to achieve balance, harmony, and optimal health in a way that resonates deeply with their being. Once we understand the individual, and needs, we understand what journey to take them on, for example we specialise in a sleep therapy.

  • Ayurveda and aromatherapy both have rich historical and cultural backgrounds. How does Subtle Energies contribute to preserving and promoting these traditions through its business practices?

 As a pioneer in integrating Ayurveda with aromatherapy as a clinical science, I have dedicated over 30 years to advancing complementary medicine through extensive research and expertise. At Subtle Energies, we translate this profound knowledge into a consumer-facing brand, ensuring that these ancient traditions are not only preserved but also made accessible and practical for modern wellness routines. Our dedication to authentic formulations, sustainable sourcing, and personalized wellness solutions exemplifies our commitment to maintaining these traditions. Through our initiatives in education and training, we inspire other practitioners and brands to adopt and respect these ancient practices, fostering a broader appreciation and continuation of these traditions. By doing so, Subtle Energies remains an authoritative resource in Ayurveda Aromatherapy, promoting the rich heritage of these practices on a global scale.

  • Finally, for those interested in exploring Ayurveda and aromatherapy, what resources or starting points do you recommend to begin their journey into holistic wellness?

 Simple Ayurveda practice that one does daily is called a dinacharya meaning daily routine. There are many routines one can do. The easiest and the most simple and effective way of doing this is having a glass of warm water first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. This helps to dilate all the channels and scrape of aama (toxins). With beauty regimes, most people concentrate purely on the face, but with looking after your body from the inside out, your facial skin, your stress, your worry lines automatically fade away. One of my favorites is Aromatic Dressing where you look after your body from the inside out, working various issues while keeping in touch with your own body. This is a self-massage that is a bit different to traditional Ayurveda self-massage, for one the oils we use are based on Ayurveda Aromatherapy which is using essential oils rather than herbal oil decoctions. It is a beautiful and simple ritual of massaging the oils on your body, and this combined with the benefits of the oil blend you choose if done every day or every second day will get you ready each day for life's challenges. I choose my oil blend like I choose a dress I want to wear that day, there by looking after the body inside out. It helps you get in touch with your body on a physical, mental and emotional level. At the same time, you are moisturizing, hydrating and toning your skin together with your muscles and nervous system. Regular massage also aids your lymphatic system and circulation.
For those wishing to go further and practice. Education is important, Nothing is overnight. It comes with years of practice and what I learn daily whether from my own practices or when working on my clients as each one is different. Find a teacher that is authentic and study yes but put that study into practice. Sitting in with my professor Dr P H Kulkarni over the years during consultations taught me what no books can teach.



Subtle Energies is now available in France exclusively at Le Bon Marché.



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