From Alpine Meadows to Global Shelves: The Susanne Kaufmann Skincare Saga



Amidst the pristine landscapes of Austria’s Bregenzerwald, Susanne Kaufmann’s skincare odyssey began with the simple, tender act of foraging native flora alongside her grandmother. These early explorations amidst wild arnica, marigold, and spruce blossoms, laid the foundation for what would become a pioneering venture in holistic skincare. Today, as the helm of her eponymous brand, Susanne Kaufmann’s early dalliances with nature have morphed into a global skincare dynasty synonymous with botanical efficacy and ethical sustainability.

Susanne Kaufmann’s leap from her familial Hotel Post Bezau to creating a skincare line was spurred by a vision: to blend modern spa indulgence with time-tested botanical wisdom. The unavailability of natural, effective skincare led Susanne Kaufmann to carve her own niche, ushering a brand revered for its gentle yet potent formulations. Her approach, deeply rooted in holistic wellness, goes beyond the skin to embrace a lifestyle of mindful nourishment, rest, and harmonious interaction with nature—a doctrine increasingly echoed in today’s beauty zeitgeist.

Sustainability isn’t a mere tagline for Susanne Kaufmann; it’s a pledge manifest in every aspect of her brand, from solar-powered facilities to award-winning refillable packaging designs. The ingredients, a homage to Bregenzerwald’s botanical bounty, tell tales of the land’s lush meadows while promising a nurturing touch.

At the Susanne Kaufmann Spa in Bezau, visitors delve into Kaufmann’s world, where each treatment is a bridge between modern skincare science and age-old botanical wisdom. The spa, much like her brand, stands as a testament to Kaufmann’s enduring commitment to holistic beauty.

Susanne Kaufmann’s narrative isn’t just a business chronicle; it’s a pioneering journey that holds a mirror to the beauty industry, reflecting what it can aspire to be—a domain where nature’s wisdom meets modern innovation, where beauty is a dialogue between the skin, the soul, and the lush world that cradles us.

  • Growing up in the idyllic Bregenzerwald region, how have the local traditions and natural beauty influenced your approach to skincare and wellness?

My home is surrounded by an abundance of Alpine flora and beautiful nature. As a young child during the summer holidays, I often stayed up in the mountains with my grandmother and siblings where we were just in nature from morning until night, collecting local plants like arnica, spruce, and marigold flowers to make healing tonics and creams – it was a great time. This is a fond memory but also life-long inspiration, in recognizing the natural power and unique resilience of these plants against the harsh seasonal climate, appreciated by locals for centuries, driving my passion for and continued approach of seeking out and creating truly effective, natural, sustainable skincare. But, also focusing on a holistic view of skincare; it’s a lifestyle, it’s about how you feel, what you eat, how you sleep and daily movement – as well as the products and treatments you use.

  • What was the pivotal moment that transformed your passion for natural ingredients and holistic beauty into the global brand we know today?

I first joined the family firm, Hotel Post Bezau, in 1994. Long known for its holistic wellness practices, I took over as the fifth generation and I knew we needed to incorporate the most modern techniques; we wanted something to help you tune out of the world, with nothing to distract you – bringing nature down to the spa. 

For this, I knew we needed skincare solutions for the spa’s signature treatments that were truly effective, but also as natural as possible – and responsibly made. From food to furniture, being local and sustainable was important. I needed a natural-first formula to fit our high- performance philosophy – skincare that espoused the same natural, regional, and sustainable values as the hotel itself. But at the time, this was nowhere to be found - natural skincare was not easily accessible or efficacious. So, we set out to do things differently; to create skincare powered by natural ingredients that was also truly effective.

  • Your brand emphasizes the interconnectedness of skin, body, and mind. How do you envision this holistic approach evolving in the beauty industry?

Taking a holistic view for skin, body and mind is now more recognized in the beauty industry than before. It is something I've always believed in and carried through the creation of Susanne Kaufmann skincare to this day. We all know that the combination of exercise, nutrition, sleep, and skincare is what allows us to look and feel our best in the long term. Now more than ever, experiencing daily stresses and our lifestyles being impacted by work-life balance, I encourage creating daily rituals, tailored to your skin’s needs, but also to your lifestyle – incorporating a skincare routine, fresh air, daily movement, eating well and de-stressing after the day with a calming bath - practising these rituals consistently and making them your daily habits, I strongly believe is the only way to achieve real beauty. As science around wellbeing evolves, so will our understanding and appreciation of beauty and skincare as a holistic concept. 

  • How do you balance the demands of a growing global brand with the need to remain environmentally conscious?

From the very beginning, my commitment has been to craft skincare products with a strong sense of responsibility. We have prioritized local production and continue to power our primary facility with solar energy. Creating skincare in an environmentally conscious manner has always held great significance for me. We share a collective responsibility to safeguard the planet for future generations. I take pride in our award-winning refill offerings, which play a vital role in minimizing packaging waste and lessening your ecological footprint when purchasing specific products multiple times. I firmly believe that it's the small daily actions we all undertake, such as mindful consumption and a focus on quality, in selecting products and brands actively dedicated to reducing their environmental impact, that make a difference in preserving our Earth.

  • Among the myriad of natural ingredients you use, which one holds a special place in your heart and why?

The active ingredients we source in the rich environment of the Bregenzerwald around us are all   special for me: arnica, chamomile, marigold, lavender and rosemary to name a few. However, I would call special attention to the houseleek, found in our Nutrient Serum, often called the “Alpine alternative to aloe vera”, this is a particularly powerful plant, used for centuries to treat burns and wounds and is known for its soothing benefits. Also, edelweiss, found in our Lash & Brow Serum, perhaps the most famous of Alpine plants, is the ultimate botanical powerhouse. This is a rare, yet sustainably cultivated plant extract used that’s rich in tannins and flavonoids, treating the skin to a protective and nourishing effect, while targeted use has been found to help stimulate hair growth, including eyelashes and brows. And finally, alpine rose, found in our Nourishing Day Cream. Covered in delicate pink petals, growing in high altitudes, this unique ingredient extract is known to help strengthen the skin barrier by helping to protect stem cells from environmental stressors. 

  • How does the Susanne Kaufmann Spa in Bezau encapsulate the essence of your brand, and what unique experiences can visitors expect?

Hotel Post Spa in Bezau is where it all began over thirty years ago and is where my philosophy was fostered so it truly is the essence and inspiration behind our skincare brand, with our spa expertise continuing to inform every formulation and the spa treatments available worldwide today. Those that visit can experience the Bregenzerwald way of life and enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings whilst taking time out to relax, eat well, sleep better and get the benefits of the spa treatments that consider the whole body and each person’s individual lifestyle. Every advanced treatment at the spa is tailored with holistic wellness at the core, looking at the complete picture when it comes to beauty – and starts with a beautiful slowing down ritual. 

  • As someone at the forefront of holistic beauty, can you share a personal beauty or wellness ritual that you swear by?

The Rejuvenating Eye Cream is one of my favorite products. I always recommend applying an eye cream daily because for me, the first impression of a person is always reflected through their eyes. I like to use our Rejuvenating Eye Cream as a mask and put a thick layer around my eyes as a once weekly treatment. It’s a real hero product – my eyes look fresh and well-rested the next day. A little personal tip is to use it together with our cooling Eye Rescue Serum. I apply this below the eyes and then a small amount of Rejuvenating Eye Cream to the outer corner of my eye, applying any remaining product to the upper eyelid. The combination of both products helps to counteract lines caused by dryness and keeps my eyes looking fresh and alert. 

Another ritual I swear by - although many people like to use a mask the day before a big event but I prefer to do it right before I apply my make-up. Our Moisturizing and Lifting Masks really plump up the skin and help the foundation blend in flawlessly.

  • Your limited edition with Byredo is exciting. How do collaborations enrich your brand, and are there any future partnerships we should be excited about?

Thank you, I am also very proud of this collaboration as I get to share my beautiful home, the Bregenzerwald, with customers. This is a collaboration that was a natural meeting of minds, creating products that draw from each of our brand promises in skincare and scent. For now, this partnership is the moment for us and we’re so pleased our customers are enjoying it.

  • With a plethora of beauty products available, how does Susanne Kaufmann educate and empower consumers to make informed choices?

It’s about being open and transparent. We tell our customers what we do, how we do it and what we put into our skincare. I believe it’s our responsibility as brands to be honest and allow the customer to do their own research.

  • Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming product launches or innovations from Susanne Kaufmann?

We have just launched our new Limited Edition Balancing Candle. This is a first for us, so we are incredibly excited. I love that the candle is made with a 100% natural wax base and is housed in upcycled glass sourced locally in Austria. We want customers to be able to create a spa-like environment wherever they are with this calming scented candle that is infused with a blend of citrus and woody essential oils. The fresh orange and ylang-ylang notes uplift the atmosphere, while lavender, cedarwood and patchouli deeply comfort the senses.  

  • What advice would you give to entrepreneurs looking to make a mark in the beauty industry?

Be authentic and believe you can make it, as there are so many ‘no’s’ along the way.



Interview by Jalila Levesque

Photo credit: Susanne Kaufmann


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