Cosmetic Ingenuity: Inside Joanna Ryglewicz's Oio Lab



Joanna Ryglewicz's journey from a lawyer to the founder of Oio Lab isn't a typical one. With a background in law in London and Poznan, she found her true calling in the world of skincare, driven by a lifelong interest in the science of health and beauty.

The transition from law to skincare was a deliberate choice, rooted in Joanna's desire to explore the mysteries of natural ingredients and their benefits. The result of this curiosity is Oio Lab, a brand that blends botanical science with advanced technology, all while maintaining a commitment to environmental responsibility.

Central to Oio Lab's approach is the idea of sustainability, extending from how ingredients are sourced to the packaging of the final product. The brand's mission goes beyond just skincare—it's about promoting a lifestyle that's in harmony with nature.

A defining feature of Oio Lab is its in-house laboratory. This is where Joanna's vision comes to life, through rigorous research and experimentation to create skincare products that are not only effective but also environmentally friendly.

In the interview that follows, Joanna Ryglewicz delves deeper into the philosophy of Oio Lab, shares insights into the skincare industry, and discusses the brand's efforts towards sustainability and innovation. Through her eyes, we get a glimpse into the dedication and passion that drives Oio Lab, a brand that stands at the intersection of nature, science, and skincare.

  • Joanna, your journey from a lawyer to the founder of a skincare brand is inspiring. What catalysed this transition from law to beauty?

For the last 15 years I gained experience in various industries. I studied and worked as a lawyer in London and Poznan (my home town) and distributed french pharmacy skincare products in Poland. But I always had a passion for the science behind health & beauty. Oio Lab started mostly because I wanted to investigate the ingredients and formulas that I found intriguing. I gradually created a vision of a botanical skincare brand utilising natural extracts and advanced technology to create products that achieve measurable results – all this while being kind to our planet. I would say the catalyst for transition from law to beauty was following my own curiosity. 

  •  If you could describe the essence of Oio Lab in one sentence, what would it be?

Botanical skincare powered by science, using natural ingredients extracted with advanced technology, produced in an in-house Laboratory in a kind to planet way  — to deliver visible results for your skin.

  • The beauty industry is vast and competitive. What was the "aha" moment that led you to identify a unique niche for Oio Lab?

My personal and professional experience is all about the process. It is difficult for me to precise a defined moment that would shape Oio Lab vision. A lot of the ideas happened “in my head” and materialised step by step by meeting the right scientists, partners and co-workers. It was not a business initiative, it was more about following the inner need to make something beautiful and meaningful. I created my own, high and subjective standards that Oio Lab needs to meet - without actually comparing ourselves to any other brands. I did however ask a lot of questions (and I still do). Only people with passion can go through this avalanche of questions (laughs). This is how we select our partners. 

  • You've mentioned a fascination with mushrooms, adaptogens, and ingredients that counteract stress hormones. How do these ingredients fit into the Oio Lab skincare narrative?

Our aim is to use natural ingredients and get the most out of them through innovative technology that is also kind to our planet. We’re not using one group of ingredients in our skincare. The research is ongoing and we also keep working on new extracts in cooperation with leading Medical Universities in Poland - we want to know it all (laughs). We tend to get really fascinated (if not obsessed!) with specific ingredients like mushrooms, adaptogens and more. Our recent fascination with mushrooms ended up not only with incorporating Reishi, Maitake and Shiitake extracts in our creamy emulsion THE FOREST RETREAT and Tremella mushroom in our Supercharged Glow Serum GEL-TO-LOTION, but also in a new super mushroom packaging made from mycelium and agricultural waste. I must admit we are constantly searching for new solutions and my nose is stuck in books a lot (laughs). We also vigorously research specific areas of our interest like the impact of female hormones and blue light on skin health.

  • Sustainability is a core value for Oio Lab. Can you elaborate on the steps you take to ensure that your products are environmentally friendly, from ingredient sourcing to packaging?

Sustainability is not a precise concept in the beauty industry, so we feel compelled to precise what it means at Oio Lab. To us it means switching to less nature-draining methods whenever possible, researching and incorporating greener solutions, investing in compostable packaging and engaging in actions that actively benefit our environment. A good example is our cooperation with the Forest Forever Foundation. Each Calming Facial Emulsion THE FOREST RETREAT plants 1m2 of biodiverse forest in Poland. Some of our skincare is also stored in Super Mushroom packaging made from mycelium. It is compostable at home within 40 days and does not leave any microplastics behind. We keep researching and implementing new extraction methods of our ingredients. To provide an example, organic cork oak extract in our skincare is obtained from waste production of wine corks and polyphenol-rich cork tree leaves, roots and flowers. We aim to do our best on every level of running Oio Lab - from social to environmental. 

  • Your packaging is vibrant and tells a story. How do you envision the role of packaging in enhancing the user experience and communicating the brand's ethos?

Every Oio Lab product tells a different story and one of the ways we express it is through our packaging. We communicate it with the right combination of colours and shapes. We also love abstract art and find inspiration there. Our new Revitalising Facial Cream SUPERPAUSE offers an ultimate support for the skin during hormonal changes - from perimenopause to postmenopause. The colours on the packaging are indigo, red and purple that reflect the ingredients, technology we use and the function of the product - its overall vibe. It is also inspired by Ellswort Kelly art. We work with graphic designers from Poland, but based in Copenhagen - Hugmun Studio. Also, the formulas themselves are stored in violet glass that helps to protect valuable botanical extracts from light and naturally preserve our products. Paying attention to all those details is how we communicate our vision and deliver the best user experience we can.

  • Can you share a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the research and development process at Oio Lab?

The process is often long, complex and labour intensive (laughs). From researching the existing data, making our own tests and analysing so many different factors. We are alchemists in our Laboratory. Right now, we are working on a new product and we’re currently on count 156! Additionally, we work with external Laboratories to triple check the results. The work is humbling, multidimensional and demanding. There is no room for compromise. 

  • Having your own laboratory to create products is a modern and innovative step. How has this decision shaped the trajectory and uniqueness of Oio Lab?

I must admit that looking back at the decision of having our own Laboratory was really bold and a little crazy (laughs), but it made it possible to control every single step of the production process. We are quality freaks and producing ourselves in small batches - is our way to deliver skincare that meets extremely high standards we impose on ourselves. It definitely makes us independent and free to dive into the ingredients and technologies we feel fascinated about. To illustrate, we did not find natural preservatives on the EU market to be good enough for us. Our scientist worked for over 3 years on our own preserving methodology based exclusively on plant extracts that are also pampering your skin at the same time. Nobody else has this technology.

  • Among Oio Lab's offerings, which products would you personally consider the "it" products, and can you delve into the science that makes it stand out in the beauty market?

This is always a difficult question for me to answer, because our products are very much different from each other and are formulated using a broad category of ingredients. Many of them do not have similar counterparts on the market. I use most of our products, however, I switch between seasons, layering them according to my skin’s needs. 

I am a huge for of our natural derivative of vitamin C of incredible brightening properties (present in our Brightening Facial Oil THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT and Eye and Cheek Colour Balm MELTING BLUSH), Tuberose and Betaine Plant stem cell complex to firm the eye contour and eyelid (used in our Complete Eye and Eyelid Serum ALL IN EYE) to cork oak bark extract of unique regenerative properties (in our Soothing Facial Beauty Balm KIND TO SKIN). Every product we launch has not one, but several hero ingredients. Additionally, we test how the ingredients influence the skin synergistically. To illustrate, our Multidimensional Hydrating Serum AQUASPHERE is clinically tested to help to increase skin hydration level up to 49,5% after just 7 days of regular use.

  • The lotion with fulvic acid is a notable innovation. Can you delve into the science behind fulvic acid and its benefits for the skin?

I am obsessed with fulvic acid and we researched it for years. Our Mineral Face and Scalp Toner FULVIC IONIC is formulated with bioavailable fulvic acid complex derived from highly nutritious layers of earth formed over millions of years of compression and extracted with a triple-patented process. It has 65+ ionic major, minor and trace minerals. It works as an essential vehicle that carries nutrients to your skin & has the power to make any ingredient more bioavailable, working as a catalyst for your skincare and haircare routine. It has impressive studies that confirm its ability to improve skin parameters. Clinical trials confirm its positive effects on cellular health: from stimulating mitochondrial activity, to anti-inflammatory effects, anti-glycation effects, increased production of type I collagen and increased synthesis of hyaluronic acid. It is worth noting that the fulvic acid we use is food-grade, meaning you could eat it as well. Our toner however, is formulated as a topical mineral supplement for your health and scalp. 

  • What's the most rewarding aspect of your journey with Oio Lab so far?

It is definitely witnessing the process of growth, being able to find answers to the questions we’re curious about, gaining knowledge, building our team, meeting passionate people and finally observing the vision turn into dream products in real life. It is also learning to enjoy the ride - there is no ending point, it’s all about the process.

  • Are there any global beauty trends or practices that you're currently fascinated by and would like to incorporate into Oio Lab's offerings?

We are parallelly working on a few projects in our Laboratory and with Medical Universities. We look at global beauty trends and we draw from them if we find them interesting enough and if they meet all our standards when it comes to efficacy, environment and more. However, we seek inspiration very broadly and follow the directions that are promising the most when it comes to results, not the trends themselves. We are fascinated with some groups of ingredients and dig deeply into them, but they do not necessarily are in line with the global fashion. 

  • As a self-proclaimed "skincare nerd," what are some skincare myths you'd like to debunk?

That natural ingredients are not as effective as synthetic ones. The amount of data and clinical studies on natural extracts is substantial. Additionally, natural does not mean simple. Actually, the extraction methods are very technologically intensive and the effects are not only impressive, but also measurable. From biotechnology to biofermentation - the technology is out there for us to use. Moreover, it constantly evolves and gets more efficient, greener and requires less resources. We can have it all: organic, natural, kind to planet and effective. 

  • How do you see the intersection of beauty, wellness, and sustainability evolving in the next decade?

Health, wellness, beauty and sustainability have a lot in common. Much of the data we analyse draws from conventional medicine and traditional wisdom that find its application to all those concepts. I think wellness and beauty will become more integrated in the next decade, where brands formulate with both those categories in mind. I actually think of those concepts as coming from the same family. We’re also actually working on a few products that fall into all those categories, so stay tuned! 

  • How do you envision the future of clean beauty in Poland, and what role do you see Oio Lab playing in it?

I just came back from the Business Fashion Environment Summit organised by Vogue Poland and Boston Consulting Group on the future of fashion and clean beauty. We discussed the need for the industry to come together and use the existing technologies that actually allow us to solve most environmental problems. I think that cooperation, keeping our standards high and not being afraid of change are key aspects of the future of beauty. I see the role of Oio Lab as the company that actually incorporates many of the kind to planet solutions, that sets a good example for other brands. We are also open to work with other companies and allow them to produce in a cleaner way, in small batches - using our technologies and facilities. 

  • Are there any upcoming innovations or products from Oio Lab that fans can look forward to?

We just launched our new, ultra-rich Restorative Facial Cream SUPERPAUSE designed to support the skin during hormonal transistions. It draws from extensive scientific research on hormonal health. One of our key ingredients is organic chasteberry extract obtained from the  fruits of the Vitex Agnus-Castus and used in traditional medicine since the Middle Ages. It has over 60 clinical studies that confirm its influence on hormonal balance, making it one the most well-researched natural ingredient. It has a positive effect on skin changes during the menopausal period as it influences the biosynthesis of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone, also known as ‘the youth hormone’). It helps to improve skin structure, reduce sagging, and makes it look more elastic and firm. We’re so excited about this launch. We are also working on a few parallel projects in our Laboratory, including our own unique ingredients. Follow us on our Instagram not to miss anything. 



Interview by Jalila Levesque

Photo credit: Oio Lab

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