Movement as Rejuvenation: Embarking on ILSE's Detox Journey with Aurélie Durand



In a beauty sector brimming with synthetic allure, Aurélie Durand, the visionary behind ILSE, beckons a return to nature's embrace. ILSE isn’t merely a brand; it's a reverie of natural wellness, each product a blend of Aurélie’s deep-rooted ethos and herbal wisdom. Named after her German grandmother, Ilse, the brand stands as a tribute to timeless grace and nurturing wellness traditions.

Growing up amidst Bavaria's lush expanses, Aurélie’s childhood infused a profound respect for nature and body hygiene in her, which now resonates through ILSE’s holistic offerings. The brand emphasizes the concept of 'hygiene', reinterpreted by Aurélie to denote a journey of self-regulation and regeneration, honoring the body's innate intelligence.

At its core, ILSE is a movement urging a community towards a more conscientious, eco-sympathetic lifestyle. It’s about transcending the superficial, embracing an authentic path of beauty and wellness intertwined with nature’s rhythm. Aurélie's narrative is a refreshing breath in an industry often veiled in artifice, bringing forth a brand that is as genuine as the ethos it stands for. Through ILSE, Aurélie invites everyone to a journey back to naturalness, a journey back to life.

Aurélie, can you share with us the moment or experience that sparked the creation of ILSE?
More and more friends were asking me for wellness advice and it seemed quite natural to launch ILSE. I wanted to offer an Art de vivre reconnected to nature, your body and the planet. ILSE is a very personal brand because it embodies my values, my childhood and my passions.

The name ILSE is a tribute to your German grandmother. How has her influence shaped your approach to wellness and beauty?
My German grandmother was a very stylish woman with a lot of dignity, elegance and kindness. Even if she is not there anymore, she is present in our minds through a lot of family portraits taken by her father Otto, a renowned Berlin photographer. Throughout her life, she never stopped being a strong woman and I wanted to honour her with my brand. She is quite an inspiration for me. 

Your childhood in Germany seems to have played a significant role in your philosophy. How do German wellness traditions differ from those in other parts of the world?
I spent my childhood in large green spaces in Germany. I remember long bike rides around lakes and drinking a lot of herbal teas, but most of all I was raised with a deep respect for nature. Germans are sorts of environmental pioneers: eating vegan, recycling and selective waste sorting were established long before it became trendy in France. There is also a relationship to body care and healthy lifestyle that is deeply rooted in the culture. Enjoying a sauna session at home, visiting thermal baths on a regularly basis or practicing fasting is part of their daily routine.

You've spoken about the importance of movement, especially dance, in your life. How does this passion translate into the ethos of ILSE?
I have been passionate about dance since I was little. Movement in space is something that always fascinated me probably because it embodies life. I once had the opportunity to attend a contemporary dance workshop in Belgium, where we had to dance for 7 hours a day. It was such a revelation for me! At this point, I realized how sitting at your desk all day is so unnatural and bad for your health. Your body needs to be constantly in motion, and it’s probably the reason why people are doing more and more practical jobs involving the body movement. The DNA of ILSE starts from there: a return to movement, a return to naturalness, a return to life. And to illustrate this, it seemed relevant to call on professional dancers who perfectly express the beauty, poetry, and energy of life through movement. 

The concept of "hygiene" is central to ILSE. Can you delve deeper into what this means for you and how it's different from the conventional understanding of the term?
ILSE is based on the healing power of nature. The human body has amazing mechanisms of self-regulation and regeneration but our lifestyle affects this process. With all the accumulation of unhealthy diet, alcohol or air pollution, our body saturates and our metabolism gets slower. It’s important to deeply cleanse it to restore fluid circulation and allow the body to function properly. This is achieved through various techniques like the use of plants specially designed for this operation. Never forget that most animals have an instinct on what plant they can eat to heal. The mission of ILSE is to reconnect with these hidden links with nature and regain energy, joy and beauty.

Your brand emphasizes the intelligence of the body and its signals. How can one become more attuned to understanding these signals?
There are different medicines that are able to understand the health status of an individual only by observing the external situation of the human body. For example, traditional Chinese medicine can diagnose your imbalances by looking the location of your acne or wrinkles. It is a completely different way to see cosmetics and beauty. No beauty cream can compete with sleep if you want to get rid of your dark circles. And it goes for everything else. You have to understand that beauty is nothing else than a healthy body. At ILSE, our approach is to recover this natural state where you wake up energized, with a perfect digestion, clear ideas and a natural glow. It's a state of balance that must continuously be maintained.

The environment plays a significant role in your brand's philosophy. How do you ensure that ILSE remains eco-conscious throughout its production process?
I’m convinced that you first have to respect your environment to respect yourself and your body. This is the reason why we are constantly working with partners and labels that share our green and ethical values. Our high quality plants are local, organic, vegan, sustainably and carefully selected using techniques that respect the environment. All ingredients are sourced in France and in Europe for better quality and a lower carbon footprint. And we only partner with small, independent laboratories and passionate botanical experts known for their French savoir-faire and their ancestral artisanal manufacturing. 

Partnering with botany experts and herbalists seems crucial for ILSE. How do these collaborations influence the creation of your products?
I’m familiar with the plants of my formulas because I have used them for a long time. My favourites are so called « grandma plants » like sage or nettle. They are all excellent for your health and some of them have an amazing power of purification. Sometimes you can find them growing in industrial areas because they are meant to purify poisoned soils. So you can easily imagine the benefits on your own intoxicated ground! I develop new formulas rather than following market trends. And when I have an idea in mind, I know exactly what I want in terms of plants and why I’m designing it. I then discuss it with selected scientists, botanical experts and producers to create a unique and highly effective solution.

The "Cure Mouvement" is one of ILSE's offerings. Can you explain the inspiration behind this product and its intended benefits?
Cure Mouvement is my very first product launched in 2022 after 1 year of development and was initially designed for my own family. It is one of the most important products you should have in your wellness routine because it resets your body and maintains your health. It’s a 20-day detox program stimulating the lymphatic system, also known as the body’s main cleansing network. We used many detoxifying wild plants (dandelion, juniper berry…) but also underused plants with yet hidden properties (quackgrass, cleavers…). The formula is highly concentrated so that you’ll experience quickly elimination effects. And the benefits are numerous : cleansing the cells, energy improvement, regeneration, decongestion, glow, boosting the immune system, weight loss, purification, alkalizing and most of all, lightness of mind and body. The more you cleanse your body and you align your lifestyle to the laws of nature, the more you develop your sensitivity and your awareness, you feel connected to the world and you raise your vibration.  

With the beauty industry being so saturated, what sets ILSE apart from other wellness brands?
ILSE is a 100% organic beauty brand created to restore the natural body movement (circulation, elimination, regeneration) through the power of plants. Our purpose is to help your body to recover its ability to heal itself. We are cleaning and rebalancing more than supplementing which is the basis. Most of the time for example, you take supplements but you can’t assimilate them. ILSE offers a solution before your beauty routine, reconnecting to your basics instinctively and glowing from the inside.

You've emphasized the importance of reconnecting with nature. How do you personally ensure this connection in your daily life?
We have become more and more distanced from nature without even realizing it. I personally try to go back to basics and deeply listen to my body. A few examples : I eat when I’m hungry, most of the time a simple diet based on live food, I try to sleep when I’m tired, I drink a lot of water, I enjoy sunbathing, I have a life in motion (bike, stairs, carrying my baby…), when I feel balance disorders (heaviness, low mood, digestion problems…) I use plants or take a sauna, I try to reconnect with nature, resonate with trees and identify plants or mushrooms during my walks in nature. "The more you understand nature, the more you will appreciate it and want to preserve it”, a gatherer once told me. 

What advice would you give to someone looking to adopt a more holistic and natural approach to beauty and wellness?
Add healthy habits in your lifestyle : Add a vegetable juice, plant cures, herbal teas, massages, sun, breaks. Your body is smarter than you think and will choose the right habits. Little by little you will stop craving unhealthy things without being frustrated.

Are there any new innovations or products we can anticipate from ILSE in the near future?
I’m working on new products but it is still a work in progress. Anyway, it is always about restoring body movement for even more vitality, joy, and energy!






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