TiL skincare's Mastery: Elevating Linden from Tree to Beauty Elixir



In the dynamic and often saturated landscape of the skincare industry, TiL skincare stands out not just for its innovative approach, but for its deeply personal origin story and its commitment to holistic beauty. Founded by the Polette sisters – Odile, Sylvie, and Dominique – TiL is a brand that is as much about its heritage as it is about its future in the beauty realm. Rooted in the rich, historical backdrop of the Dordogne region in France, the brand's philosophy is a fascinating blend of familial legacy and modern skincare science, centered around the versatile and underexplored properties of the linden tree.

This interview with the founders offers a glimpse into the brand's core: a blend of traditional wisdom and scientific rigor. The sisters have turned the linden tree, a symbol of their familial heritage, into the cornerstone of their product line. This is not merely a nod to natural beauty but a strategic, well-researched utilization of the 'Healing Tree'. With their unique TILIACTIV-4 concentrate, they demonstrate a sophisticated approach to skincare, marrying the natural potency of the linden tree with advanced biotechnological processes.

Their collaboration with the eminent perfumer Francis Kurkdjian and the pioneering use of neuroscientific studies to gauge the emotional impact of their fragrance line further position TiL at the forefront of innovation in the beauty sector. It's this blend of emotional resonance and scientific evidence that sets TiL apart in a crowded market.

In this piece, we delve into the specifics of what makes TiL skincare a brand to watch. From their approach to sourcing and sustainability to their understanding of consumer needs, the Polette sisters exemplify the new wave of beauty entrepreneurs who are reshaping the industry with a blend of passion, expertise, and an unwavering commitment to holistic wellness.

If you could describe the essence of TiL skincare in one sentence, what would it be?
A beauty and wellness brand developed from the 'Healing Tree', the Linden, used for the first time in the world in a 100% holistic approach to care for both the skin of the body and the mind. TiL is not just skincare; it's complete selfcare, combining through the powers of a single tree cosmetic care, dietary supplements, and the impact of scent on emotional well-being.

How does the familial heritage of the Polette sisters shape the philosophy of TiL skincare?
This 17th-century family home, nestled in a land of plenty known for its good living and surrounded by over a hundred lindens with proven soothing and regenerating properties, is at the root of the brand and our desire to share this calming experience with as many people as possible.

Can you elaborate on the significance of the Dordogne region and its influence on TiL's product development and ethos?

The Dordogne is one of the most beautiful regions of France, rich in history, embodying the philosophy of absolute modernity: living in the present and finding time for oneself.

TiL emphasizes the use of the whole linden tree in its products. How did this holistic approach come to be a foundational aspect of your brand?
The linden tree has been sacred since time immemorial because its benefits are countless, and everything in it is beneficial for the skin, body, and spirit. The TiL brand was entirely guided by the holistic powers of this unparalleled tree, naturally giving rise to a cosmetic axis, nutri-cosmetics, and fragrance."

What motivated the creation of the exclusive TILIACTIV-4® concentrate, and how is it integral to your products?
3 years of R&D allowed us to conduct molecular screening of the linden for the first time in the world and show that all parts of the tree (leaves, flowers, buds, branches) were loaded with soothing, moisturizing, and antioxidant molecules, making it a comprehensive anti-aging agent for the skin. This led to the creation of Tiliactiv4®, concentrating for the first time all these molecules obtained by biotechnology."

Can you describe the process and importance of hand-picking the linden components for your products?
 The harvest of different linden parts is done by hand, selecting the best specimens each year at their peak within 24 hours. The harvest is immediately frozen on-site to preserve the integrity of the molecules, and thus it's the fresh material, much more active than if it were dried, that is used. We then proceed with cryo-extraction."

How does TiL balance the use of natural ingredients with achieving high-performance results in its products?
While Tiliactiv-4® is natural, it is highly concentrated and enhanced by biotechnology, thus ultra-effective. Scientific tests have shown powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Moreover, Tiliactiv-4® is combined in our care products with other plant-based active ingredients, also proven effective and all sourced in France.

How do TiL products contribute to both immediate and long-term skin health?
 Immediately and over time, they balance the skin, hydrate it, protect it, strengthen its natural defense mechanisms, and help fight against aggressions that accelerate aging. The cosmetics are further enhanced by the intake of dietary supplements that treat the skin from the inside.

How does TiL skincare address the diverse needs of different skin types and concerns?
 TiL care products are suitable for all skin types and all ages because they respond very comprehensively to universal and essential needs while offering a simple routine."

What inspired the collaboration with Francis Kurkdjian for TiL’s fragrance line?

Francis Kurkdjian is one of the most talented perfumers of his generation. His olfactory writing is very precise, and his ability to immerse himself in the story of a brand, a place, is quite unique. His creative sensitivity was therefore an obvious choice for us.

How does the TiL perfume created in partnership with Francis Kurkdjian complement the brand's skincare philosophy?
It perfectly complements the TiL philosophy as it is the olfactory signature of all cosmetic products. Beyond smelling divinely good, it benefits the spirit, which is the DNA of the brand. We are a whole, and feeling good in one's skin is also feeling good in one's head... The emotional well-being emitted by the scent of each product is one of the cornerstones of the brand.

The linden flower is known as a 'mute' flower in perfumery. How did this challenge shape the creative process for the TiL fragrance?
A flower is said to be mute when its fragrant molecules cannot be extracted, as is the case with lily of the valley and linden! This is where the talent and know-how of the perfumer come into play: the art of recomposing, recreating, reinterpreting in a personal way the scent of the linden flower. This is what Francis Kurkdjian did by recalling those summer mornings when the lindens are in bloom and exhale a divine scent, a bit honeyed, a bit musky, a bit orangey…"

Can you discuss the neuroscientific study conducted on the TiL perfume and its findings on cognitive performance?
The joyful smiles of people who smelled L'Eau Qui Enlace at the beginning of its formulation made us quickly understand that this was not just a simple delicious fragrance... It went far beyond! We therefore decided to conduct a study with neuroscientists to measure the emotional impact of this fragrance according to a very sophisticated protocol. Results? It provides joy, relaxation, and comfort (the first time this word appeared in the neuroscientific study of a fragrance!) and with a very broad consensus. So beyond smelling wonderfully good, this fragrance benefits the mind by eliciting the three emotions we probably need most right now!"

In your view, how have consumer attitudes towards beauty and wellness evolved in recent years?
A very important evolution worldwide. The health crisis has greatly amplified an existing trend towards healthy, clean, natural, as well as the quest for well-being, moments for oneself, rejuvenation, and sensory pleasure moments beyond performance and efficiency.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of creating and growing the TiL skincare brand?
Undoubtedly all the written words we receive every day in our email boxes or via Instagram from users who are won over!

Finally, can you share a personal favorite product from TiL's range and the story behind its creation?
One of our favorite products, in addition to L'Eau Qui Enlace, is La Gelée à Fleur de Peau. A cleansing makeup remover with an incredibly delicious granita texture that turns into a tender foam upon contact with water. Incredible efficiency and a delight for the senses. For the backstory, we were inspired by a linden flower jelly that our grandmother used to make for our snacks, which was pure delight. The one from TiL is not edible but just as delicious!

Can you discuss any upcoming product launches and what customers can expect from them?
Let's just say we will continue to explore the different parts of the tree for always essential and clever use (we like the idea - when the formulation allows - of 2-in-1 products for example…) you will know more next spring!




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