Refeel Naturals: The Future of Emo-Beauty and Holistic Body Care



In the vibrant world of beauty, one brand stands out: Refeel Naturals, a harmonious blend of fragrance and skincare crafted by Cyrielle Maurès. As a teenager, a single bottle of perfume was more than a scent for Cyrielle; it was a shield of confidence. This personal connection to fragrances, combined with a thirst for clean skincare, catalyzed the creation of Refeel Naturals. The brand embodies Cyrielle's values: natural efficacy, holistic experiences, and deep environmental respect.

 Venturing into "Emo Beauty," Refeel Naturals collaborates with perfumers and neuroscientists to craft scents that resonate with emotions. Beyond the products lies an artisanal commitment to French craftsmanship, ensuring precision and authenticity. Challenges arise in the quest for natural perfection, but customer satisfaction remains Cyrielle' sweetest reward.

 From body oils to soaps, the brand offers diverse beauty solutions tailored to individual needs and emotions. With promising teasers of upcoming releases, Refeel Naturals is more than skincare; it's a sensorial journey led by a visionary who truly understands the power of scent.

 Dive deeper into the captivating journey of Refeel Naturals and the insights of Cyrielle Maurès in our exclusive interview below.

How has your background and experiences in the beauty industry led you to create Refeel Naturals, a brand that combines scents and body care for holistic well-being?

I believe the roots of the Refeel Naturals journey stem from a passion for fragrances that I developed during my teenage years. Like many teenagers, I had insecurities and lacked self-confidence. Spraying myself with my then-favorite fragrance, Lacoste Woman, gave me a boost of confidence. It was my olfactory shield. I carried my 50ml bottle everywhere, reapplying throughout the day for courage and assertion.

 Later, I delved into the world of niche perfumery. This fascinating realm allowed me to explore the richness of scents and ingredients, refining my olfactory senses and curating a fragrance collection. Gradually, I began selecting daily fragrances that best suited my day's challenges, setting the right mood.

At the same time, concerning skincare, I gravitated towards clean products early on. I used to order them from the US and Canada because I couldn't find products in Europe that met my standards for quality, transparency, and enjoyable application.

When I took charge of the cosmetics BU of a trendy beauty store in Paris, I discovered many fantastic skincare products. However, I noticed a lack of quality in the body care segment.

It was then that the idea of creating the brand I was searching for struck me. I wanted a body care brand that transcended functional benefits to offer emotional benefits through the power of scent.

Through Refeel Naturals, my aim is to touch souls, provide an emotional journey, and elicit positive emotions, uplifting one's daily life through care.

In your journey to establish Refeel Naturals, how have your personal values influenced the brand's core philosophy and offerings?

Refeel Naturals' philosophy evolved organically. From the project's inception, the primary pillars were more or less established. I wanted natural effectiveness. So, we developed wholesome and active formulas based on natural and organic ingredients. We selected ingredients for their organoleptic properties and the intrinsic benefits they bring to the skin. I aimed to create products that truly provide well-being. Therefore, we crafted care experiences that benefit both body and mind, promoting well-being through the positive emotions they evoke, be it their scent, texture, or usage.

I was also committed to achieving environmental simplicity. We are aware of the current world's challenges and wanted to help without exacerbating issues. We strive to minimize pollution, waste, and wastage. For example, we chose to source and produce locally to reduce our carbon footprint; we produce in small batches to control production and waste, and we opted for recycled and/or recyclable packaging to limit waste. This is an ongoing focus for us, and we continuously strive for the best balance

Emo beauty is a fascinating concept. Could you elaborate on how Refeel Naturals developed these "fragrance signatures" to evoke different emotions and enhance overall well-being?

Having experienced it my entire life, I was convinced of the positive effects scents can have on our feelings. The initial challenge was leveraging this idea to create fragrances that evoke different emotional states.

We collaborated with master perfumers and neuroscience specialists to compose fragrances that promote specific emotional states. Depending on the desired emotional outcome, we developed unique signature fragrances that, for instance, "Reveal sensuality," "Unleash creativity," "Assert personality," or "Align emotions."

Following these signature fragrances, we further refined the overall care experience for each scent and formulation. Our goal is to extend beyond the product itself, ensuring the experience is more comprehensive, fulfilling, and beneficial.

Refeel Naturals' dedication to craftsmanship and French cosmetic know-how is impressive. What sets your handmade products apart from mass-produced skincare items?

The two approaches are worlds apart.

Our production premise is to consistently meet the demanding promise we make to our customers. This requires us to be highly selective with our ingredient choices and extremely meticulous in our manufacturing process. We must strictly adhere to the formula protocols, a precision and standard made possible by artisan craftsmanship.

The authenticity of artisanal methods aligns perfectly with our values and complements our luxury positioning. This commitment to excellence and preference for the highest quality is evident throughout our company. Additionally, there's immense pride in knowing we're supporting French craftsmanship through this venture.

Moreover, we've chosen to produce in limited batches. This allows us to control production, reduce waste, and maintain the exclusive and premium nature of our products.

What challenges did you face in striving for 100% natural effectiveness, and how have you overcome them in your formulations?

We've committed to formulas that add significant value in terms of both efficacy and naturalness. This firstly demands substantial human and financial investment in R&D, allowing us now to offer some of the richest body care formulas on the market. In every product, we've chosen to include a specially-selected active ingredient to ensure optimal effectiveness. The second challenge is finding the perfect balance for each signature fragrance within the product to maximize the emotional benefit. After a lengthy process of testing and trials, we arrive at the ideal formula. But all these efforts are well worth it when we hear our customers' feedback!

The range of products, from regenerating body oils to hydrating soaps and comforting candles, is diverse. What motivated you to create such a comprehensive collection, catering to various beauty needs and desires?

The expansion of our range is rooted in two main drivers.

Firstly, our desire to increasingly embody and make sense of the holistic approach we champion in our philosophy. This involves offering various complementary products so users can craft their personalized care ritual, like combining the moisturizing soap followed by the rejuvenating oil. It also means providing collections that cater to different emotional states. For instance, "Lost Alhambra" is ideal for showcasing sensuality, while "Le sud, la nuit" aligns emotions perfectly.

The second motivator is responding to the requests and expectations of our customer community, whom we actively engage in certain decision-making processes and listen to extensively

How does Refeel Naturals engage with its customers to understand their needs and preferences, and how does this feedback shape the creation of new bodycare offerings?

Well, as I mentioned, we strive to be highly attentive to our customers. Their feedback is invaluable and a significant motivator for us to continuously enhance our care experiences. We also encourage them to share their desires for new products, which helps shape our product development strategy. For instance, they recently played a role in helping us decide on a new product that will be launching in a few weeks :)

As the founder of Refeel Naturals, what is your vision for the future of clean beauty, particularly in the realm of bodycare?

I'd say there are at least three major market trends that we'll be actively participating in in the coming years.

Firstly, the 'skinification' of bodycare is underway and will likely gain momentum. This trend was initiated by innovative brands like ours that apply skincare principles to bodycare. This means developing sophisticated formulas with targeted active ingredients. We aim to contribute positively to this progressive evolution in body care.

More broadly, the lines between beauty and wellness are increasingly blurring, and I believe this convergence will only accelerate. With its holistic philosophy, Refeel Naturals is poised to play a significant role and progressively offer experiences that go beyond just products.

Lastly, the clean approach to beauty, which I see as fundamental, still faces numerous challenges. These include striving for healthier efficacy, identifying and eliminating controversial ingredients, and discovering new natural ingredients with unexpected benefits. We're deeply committed to this approach, aiming to offer customers the best possible solution.


The clean beauty segment is rapidly evolving. What unique strategies does Refeel Naturals employ to stay ahead of the competition and maintain its edge in the market?

By nature, we follow a niche strategy and grow through selective channels. Our short and medium-term growth relies heavily on word-of-mouth and insider recommendations. So far, our media investments have been minimal as we prioritize the impact of genuine feedback from insiders. Our customers and influential experts have laid the foundation for our success.

Our top priority is, and always will be, ensuring the quality of our products and striving for exceptional sensory experiences. We make no compromises in this area.

Next, our challenge lies in effectively communicating our holistic approach to care and our philosophy, giving it more depth and meaning to broaden our base of insiders.

Lastly, we aim to build a committed community of insiders and a group of persuasive ambassadors to spread our philosophy further.

Could you provide us with a sneak peek into the upcoming products you have planned to launch? What innovative experiences and sensorial journeys can beauty enthusiasts expect from your brand in the near future?

In a few weeks, we'll announce the launch of our Milky Scrubs and a new signature fragrance. I must say I'm proud of the formula we've achieved. I believe we're taking the exfoliation ritual to a more ambitious level. The milky scrubs will be available in three fragrances and are highly anticipated. We can't wait!

We're also working on the next product types, set to release in the first half of the year. Our customers have been requesting balms, perfumes, mists, and shower oils. I'll leave you with a bit of suspense, but I can say there are some quite addictive new products in the pipeline.



Interview by Jalila Levesque

Photo credit: Refeel Naturals


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