Unlocking the Secrets of Gut Health: The Visionaries Behind DIJO

Dijo probiotiques fondatrices



In the cobblestone streets of Chinon (France), far from the gleaming labs of Silicon Valley, two childhood friends have sparked a wellness revolution that has the beauty world abuzz. Anouk Le Terrier and Lisa Souloy, founders of the groundbreaking French brand DIJO, have ventured where few have dared, linking the intricacies of gut health to the vitality of our skin. As probiotics emerge from the shadows of dietary supplements to center stage in the world of skincare, DIJO stands as a beacon, illuminating the intricate dance between our gut and our skin’s radiance.

In this interview, Anouk and Lisa recount their personal journeys — from confronting health challenges to galloping on ponies in their youth — that ultimately led to the creation of DIJO. Their narrative is as unique as the probiotic formulations they champion, underscoring the undeniable connection between internal wellness and external beauty.

As the world navigates the aftermath of a global pandemic and rethinks its priorities, DIJO is not just a brand; it’s a testament to the resilience of human spirit and innovation. Join us as we delve deeper into the world of these visionary entrepreneurs, the science behind their products, and the promising future of beauty that lies in the balance of our microbiome.

Congratulations on the success of DIJO! Can you tell us the story behind the creation of the brand and how your journey led to the creation of a French dietary supplement brand focused on probiotics and skin health?

Anouk answers: Thank you so much! We're so proud to have launched the first company dedicated to gut health. Through DIJO, we aim to showcase that the gut is the cornerstone of our health. In 2018, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disease. Lisa introduced me to probiotics, and a naturopath advised me to change my lifestyle. Thanks to a balanced diet and taking probiotics, I found the solution to my issues. Teaming up with Lisa, my childhood friend with whom I used to horseback ride, it became clear to us that we should act on everyone's health by developing targeted product lines. Our shared experiences and strong bond allow us to offer a simple, natural, and practical solution that brings relief to our customers.

As founders, what inspires and drives your passion for well-being and probiotics? How has this motivation influenced the company's mission and vision for the future?

Lisa answers: Our motivations are diverse, but we firmly believe that taking natural care of one's body can yield definite and proven health benefits. We're also inspired by the positive impact that probiotics can have on overall health. It's fascinating to understand that a microbiome enriched with the right bacteria can lead to better digestion and a stronger immune system. The gut regulates numerous physical and mental aspects, and our role is to assist everyone based on their microbiome's unique identity. DIJO is a wellness company that pledges to offer products with transparent and regulated compositions. Our goal is to continue educating about gut health to alleviate and lighten our community's daily life. Our passion for wellness and probiotics has shaped DIJO's mission and vision, ensuring quality, transparency, education, and a positive environmental impact.

Can you discuss the research and studies that influenced your product formulations? How do these probiotics contribute to overall well-being and skin health?

Lisa answers: Many studies have enabled us to create a solution tailored for gut health. Our commitment to offering premium products is reflected in our meticulous focus on our capsule compositions. Our goal is also to convince our customers of the efficacy of natural probiotics that ensure an optimal and balanced quality of life. Probiotics yield beneficial effects based on individual profiles. For instance, for preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases, a probiotics regimen can significantly reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension. It's also proven that good bacteria can markedly decrease blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes patients. Everyone has a unique microbiome, so it's crucial to consider its balance, the intestinal wall's state, and the level of toxins.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, there's been a heightened awareness of immune health. How does DIJO's product range support the immune system?

Lisa answers: Indeed, the health crisis made many reconsider their daily habits in terms of consumption and self-care. Mindsets shifted to prioritize feeling good and protecting one's body. Our products care for the bacteria responsible for 70-80% of our immunity. The world of self-care has been embedded in our society for years, and we want to spread the critical importance of the microbiome. Essential probiotics enable an energy boost, along with regulated digestion. With our products, say goodbye to fatigue!

The future of wellness is ever-evolving. What excites you the most about the potential advancements in the industry, and how does DIJO plan to stay at the forefront of these developments?

Lisa answers: At its core, DIJO is the gut expert. We want to continue this natural, practical approach that contributes to overall well-being. Relieving stomach pain helps many who unknowingly adopt lifestyles harmful to their gut flora balance. Ensuring our products' composition remains a top priority. We're committed to providing the best quality in our product lines that align with society's emerging needs.

DIJO's product range covers various wellness aspects. Are there plans to branch out into new areas or introduce complementary products soon?

Lisa answers: To be honest, we don't have a concrete idea of a potential "new remedy" by DIJO within the existing lines at the moment. The cosmetics and wellness market is highly competitive, but the evolution of our company and our ambitions might make us consider introducing a new range. Our product lines are comprehensive and offer significant benefits. But if we can think of or design a product or line that's equally natural (vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free, and GMO-free) and effective, our team will certainly look into it. Our aim is to address every customer's issues, so we're open to all possibilities for the future.

Does DIJO plan to make its products available to customers outside of France in the future?

Lisa answers: Indeed, entering and observing DIJO's influence on a new market would be a thrilling challenge for Anouk and me. Anglo-Saxon countries have more widely adopted probiotics in their routines. That's why we're eager to expand internationally in carefully selected regions. Everyone can benefit from a balanced microbiome, and DIJO would be thrilled to meet everyone's needs!

Lastly, what advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs looking to break into the wellness industry and create products that positively impact people's lives?

Anouk answers: To offer wellness products, it seems crucial to embody values consistent with the industry. The wellness sector has specific standards that consumers increasingly scrutinize and seek. Transparency and education play significant roles in how a wellness brand's message is received. In our opinion, building and nurturing trust with the community and customers will enable an ambitious brand to establish its identity. Transparency should cover the company's production process and the formulation and composition of products on sale. Creating positive-impact products also means providing personalized solutions when a customer can't find an answer to their issue. Many tips are useful for ambitious projects:

Lisa and I advise every entrepreneur to find the most authentic approach to attract and encourage their customers to take control of their lives through wellness.



Interview by Jalila Levesque

Photo credit: Dijo


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