The Art of Luxury Spa Management: A Conversation with Nadia Seri, Founder of Sparis Consulting



Welcome to an interview with Nadia Seri, a prominent figure in the world of luxury spa management and the French founder of Sparis Consulting. With a wealth of experience and a passion for creating exceptional spa experiences, Nadia Seri has established herself as a trusted advisor and consultant in the industry. In this enlightening discussion, we delve into her personal journey, her unique approach to spa and wellness consultancy, and the emerging trends that are shaping the future of luxury spa hotels. Join us as we uncover the artistry behind luxury spa management.

  • Your background in the spa and wellness industry is impressive, with a wealth of experience as a spa and wellness consultant. Could you share with us your personal journey and how you became passionate about this field?

    I started my career working in the fashion industry as a stylist. Taking care of my clients by enhancing their looks through carefully curated outfits from press offices was my primary focus. However, I soon realized that beauty was fleeting and superficial, and I desired to contribute to people's well-being on a deeper level. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to participate in the opening of one of the first urban spas in Paris, where I gained my initial experience in the beauty and wellness domain. I spent seven years there, refining my skills, before moving on to one of the trendiest and most fashionable spas in Paris, located in the Hotel Costes. Later, I was selected to create the first spa in a palace on the Left Bank of Paris, which was a significant challenge that elevated my expertise and gave me the impetus to establish my own business, SParis Consulting.

  • As a spa and wellness consultant, you have worked with numerous luxury spa hotels. What inspired you to start Sparis, and what unique expertise and services does your consultancy offer to clients in the industry?

Throughout my career, I have been approached by cosmetic brands and investors seeking guidance in their development and the premiumization of their offerings. My achievements and accolades have positioned me as a sought-after consultant, and Sparis was a natural progression, driven by my dedication and recognition in the field. My consultancy's core offering is a fully customized approach. I consistently draw inspiration from the codes of luxury to ensure an exceptional client experience. To achieve this, I meticulously select cosmetic brands that align perfectly with the identity of the establishment while remaining in line with market trends.

The key element of my expertise lies in my ability to understand the specific needs of each client and tailor my recommendations accordingly. By creating personalized solutions, I ensure that each spa reflects the uniqueness of the establishment and offers an experience that surpasses the clients' expectations.

When selecting a cosmetic brand, I consider the desired atmosphere and ambiance for the spa. I ensure that the chosen brand harmonizes with the essence of the place by using skin-friendly products that adhere to the highest quality standards.

By staying informed about market trends, I can recommend innovative and popular cosmetic brands, enabling my clients to stay at the forefront of the industry. I also ensure that the selected brand offers a diverse range of products tailored to the specific needs of each spa.

Through a combination of personalized approaches, inspiration from luxury codes, and careful brand selection, I create a unique and memorable client experience for each spa I collaborate with. My goal is to exceed clients' expectations by offering superior quality treatments and creating a luxurious ambiance that transports them to a haven of relaxation and well-being.

  • The spa and wellness industry is constantly evolving. In your opinion, what are the emerging trends and developments that will shape the future of luxury spa hotels? How do you stay ahead of these trends and help your clients adapt to changing consumer demands?

In my view, several emerging trends will shape the future of luxury spa hotels as the beauty and wellness industry continues to evolve.

To stay ahead of these trends and help my clients adapt to changing consumer demands, I remain constantly informed and employ various strategies. Here are some key trends and my approach to addressing them:

1 - Personalization and customization: Today, luxury spa hotel guests seek personalized experiences tailored to their specific needs and preferences. I prioritize offering customized treatments, personalized wellness programs, and tailored services to create a unique and memorable experience for each client.

2 - Holistic well-being approach: The concept of well-being has expanded beyond traditional treatments. Guests now seek holistic well-being experiences that encompass physical, mental, and emotional aspects. I assist my clients in developing comprehensive well-being offerings that integrate pillars such as nutrition, mindfulness, physical activity, stress management, and social engagement.

3 - Integration of technology: The use of technology in the spa experience is growing rapidly. This includes fitness tracking tools, wellness apps, advanced equipment, and digital solutions to monitor clients' progress remotely. I stay informed about the latest technological advancements in the spa industry and help my clients choose and implement the most suitable technological solutions for their needs.

4 - Sustainability and environmental awareness: Guests are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of the establishments they frequent. I encourage my clients to adopt sustainable practices, such as using natural and eco-friendly products, reducing waste, and implementing eco-responsible measures in their daily operations.

5 - To stay at the forefront of these trends, I regularly attend conferences and professional trade shows, undergo specialized training, and actively monitor industry developments and innovations. I strive to understand the changing needs of consumers and provide tailored advice to help my clients innovate, create unique experiences, and stand out in the industry.

  • In your opinion, how can spa and wellness professionals contribute to the overall well-being of their clients beyond the treatments and services offered? How do you create a holistic and transformative experience for your guests?

    I believe that creating a holistic and transformative experience begins with active listening and understanding the clients' needs, concerns, and goals.

    This information serves as the foundation for personalized recommendations and services. Instead of relying on generic knowledge, it is crucial to share expert advice and information on well-being practices that can complement the spa experience. The aim is to help clients cultivate a healthy and balanced lifestyle by providing them with the tools and knowledge to care for themselves beyond their spa visit.

    This can include recommendations for physical exercises, relaxation techniques, balanced nutrition, and other healthy lifestyle habits. I encourage clients to embrace a balanced lifestyle to optimize their overall well-being.

    During treatments, I strongly emphasize the practice of mindfulness. I invite clients to fully connect with their sensations, breath, and the present moment. This allows them to experience greater bodily, mental, and emotional awareness, fostering a state of calm and deep relaxation—a true escape from the outside world.

    Furthermore, I place great importance on creating an immersive experience that helps guests disconnect from daily stress and focus on their well-being. A soothing and relaxing atmosphere—soft lighting, calming music, pleasant aromas, and harmonious decor—promotes letting go and tranquility of the mind.

  • Sustainability and eco-consciousness have also become important considerations in the spa industry. How do you guide your clients in implementing sustainable practices and creating environmentally friendly spa experiences?

    Sustainability and environmental consciousness are crucial considerations in the spa industry. I guide my clients in implementing sustainable practices and creating environmentally friendly spa experiences by assessing their current practices and environmental impacts. This includes evaluating the products used, waste management methods (implementing recycling systems, reducing the use of single-use plastics), water and energy consumption, and procurement practices.

    I introduce my clients to organic, natural, and ethically sourced cosmetic brands that use sustainable ingredients and eco-friendly packaging. I also help them identify suppliers and brands committed to sustainable practices.

    I encourage my clients to educate their customers about the importance of sustainability and eco-responsibility. This can be done through appealing materials that promote environmentally friendly practices and raise awareness about sustainable initiatives implemented by the spa.

    I assist them in establishing partnerships with recognized organizations and initiatives in sustainability, such as ecological certifications, quality labels, and social and environmental responsibility programs.

    My goal is to help them reduce their environmental footprint while offering high-quality well-being experiences. I firmly believe that sustainability and eco-responsibility are key elements for the future of the spa industry, and I am committed to guiding my clients toward more environmentally conscious practices.

  • The role of technology in the spa and wellness industry is expanding rapidly. How do you leverage technology to enhance the guest experience in luxury spa hotels while still maintaining a sense of human connection and personalization?

    I leverage technology judiciously to enhance the guest experience while preserving human connection and personalization. I strongly believe that technology can complement and enrich the experience but should always be used sparingly to preserve the essence of human interaction and attentive service that luxury establishments are renowned for.

    I consistently use technology to optimize the reservation, tracking, and data evaluation processes for clients. It is important to gather preferences, histories, and results to tailor the experience effectively.

    I also integrate advanced equipment and technological innovations into certain treatments to improve results and enhance the guest experience. This may include the use of light therapy devices, sound relaxation technologies, or innovative massage tools. However, I recommend using these technologies judiciously and combining them with manual techniques and the continuous presence of skilled spa practitioners.

  • What advice do you have for those aspiring to become spa managers or enter the spa industry?

    I liken the role of a spa manager to that of a Swiss Army knife. Each day is different but filled with client interactions and team management. This position requires mastery of multiple skills, including management, finance, sales, marketing, and technical expertise.

    I highly recommend acquiring a solid education in management. This will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively lead a profit center, including operations management, financial planning, staff management, and creating exceptional client experiences.

    The spa industry is customer-centric. Develop skills in communication, customer relations, active listening, and problem-solving. Be attentive to clients' needs, create memorable experiences, and ensure they feel welcome and well-cared for throughout their journey.

    Passion and dedication are essential for the success and reputation of your spa.

    In your experience, what are the key elements that make a luxury spa hotel stand out and create a truly exceptional guest experience?

    Luxury spa hotels are all beautifully designed and offer stunning facilities. Today, beyond design or the length of the swimming pool, what truly matters and sets a spa apart are:

    1 - Attentive, warm, and personalized service that creates a sense of privilege for guests.

    2 - The quality of treatments and services. Highly skilled therapists, personalized treatments, the use of high-quality products, and innovative techniques contribute to exceptional well-being experiences and results.

    3 - Hygiene is essential. Ensuring high standards of cleanliness and hygiene throughout the spa facilities, including changing rooms, treatment cabins, relaxation areas, and wet areas. Implementing rigorous cleaning, disinfection protocols, and waste management systems to ensure the safety and well-being of guests.

    4 - Attention to detail: Providing high-quality amenities, plush towels, swimsuit dryers, jewelry boxes in lockers, straighteners, etc.

    5 - Creating a vibrant atmosphere by organizing events, exclusive programs, showcasing new offerings, and collaborating with renowned experts.

  • Throughout your career, you have collaborated with prestigious brands in the spa and wellness industry. Can you tell us about some of these collaborations and how they have influenced your approach to spa and wellness?

Throughout my journey, I have come to realize that community and social connections play an essential role in individuals' overall well-being.

Beyond the treatments and services offered in a spa, it is crucial to create an environment that facilitates encounters, exchanges, and social connections. By fostering a sense of community within a spa, clients have the opportunity to share their experiences, support one another, and create cherished memories.

To facilitate this, I ensure the design of warm and inviting communal spaces, such as lounges or relaxation areas, that encourage interactions. I also organize special events that allow clients to meet, interact, and form connections. This can include member evenings, group classes, or wellness workshops.

I firmly believe that human connection and belonging to a community are essential for fostering mental, emotional, and social well-being. By creating an environment where clients feel supported, surrounded, and inspired by others, I strive to create a holistic and transformative experience within a spa.

I have been fortunate to create and manage membership clubs at the Lutetia hotel and Espace Payot. The Maison Epigenetic also places great importance on community-building, making it one of its core pillars.



  • Can you share with us one of your favorite facial treatments or spa experiences that left a lasting impression on you? What made it so special?

    I have had the privilege of experiencing the expertise of the talented Melinda Bognar, one of the most sought-after facialists. With just a brief understanding of my mood on a given day, she tailors a rejuvenating, personalized experience for me. What sets her apart is not just her empathy, generosity, and perfect grasp of luxury codes but also her ability to address not only the face and body but also the soul.

  • Could you share with us some of your own self-care rituals or practices that help you stay balanced and rejuvenated?

    Certainly! I would be delighted to share some of my well-being rituals that help me maintain balance and rejuvenation.

    Spending quality time with loved ones is a precious source of love and positive energy. Whether sharing a meal, engaging in deep conversations, or partaking in activities together, these moments provide a sense of love and connection that greatly contributes to my well-being.

    Every day, I take time to acknowledge and appreciate the small things that are part of my life. I make a conscious effort to daily reflect on moments, people, and experiences for which I am grateful. This helps cultivate a positive mindset and savor the simple joys of life.

    Music is also a significant source of transcendence for me. It nourishes my soul in a unique way, providing comfort, inspiration, and joy through my personal listening experiences.

    These elements form the pillars of my balance and vitality, helping me stay fulfilled and revitalized. Nurturing my love for my family and cultivating gratitude are essential aspects of my life, contributing to my overall well-being.



Interview by Jalila Levesque

Photo credits: Sparis Consulting / Hôtel Lutetia / Villa Belle Plage / Maison Epigenetic


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