The Art of Slow Beauty: Inside Flavia Zhamo’s Skincare Revolution



Flavia Zhamo, the founder of EC Studios and Everyday Chemist, is quietly making her mark in the beauty industry with a thoughtful approach centered on slow beauty, collaboration, and inclusivity. Influenced by her background as a poet and the daughter of a chemical engineer, Flavia creates skincare products that balance creativity with scientific integrity.

EC Studios thrives on the principle of “innovation through collaboration,” partnering with a global network of trusted vendors and experts to explore new possibilities in skincare. Flavia’s commitment to clean beauty and sustainable practices is reflected in the careful selection of upcycled and biotech ingredients, as well as in partnerships with like-minded suppliers.

A key aspect of EC Studios is its focus on inclusivity, particularly in supporting female entrepreneurs, including many black and brown founders. By providing a flexible and supportive environment, EC Studios helps these innovators bring their ideas to fruition.

Flavia Zhamo’s approach to skincare—marked by slow beauty, collaborative innovation, and a commitment to inclusivity—offers a thoughtful perspective on what beauty can be. In this interview, Flavia delves into the journey behind EC Studios and Everyday Chemist, her inspirations, and how she is steadily shaping the future of skincare, one carefully considered product at a time.

 In short, COVID happened. In 2020, I was working for WeWork, and once the pandemic hit, we were forced to shift our roles. I decided to leave and take a severance instead of staying with the company as they transitioned because I saw it as an opportunity to jump start something completely new.  Creating a skincare brand was something I always wanted to do, especially as someone who has had a history of struggling with their skin. Growing up with a mother who was a chemical engineer focusing on cosmetics also influenced me and showed me the possibilities of this industry. After working at East Room and opening that business, I was inspired to start my own, leading to the creation of Everyday Chemist Studios.

  • How does your background as a poet intertwine with your work in skincare and beauty?

 I think it’s really easy to get pessimistic working in skincare, understanding the behind the scenes and realizing that a lot of it is just good marketing. As a poet, you’re able to find beauty in things that may seem messy or chaotic on the outside. This perspective allows me to approach skincare development more artistically and creatively, with an appreciation for all the nuances and complexities along the way, leading to the discovery of new solutions that might not have been thought of before.

  • EC Studios champions “innovation through collaboration.” Can you elaborate on how this principle shapes your partnerships and product development?

 We take collaboration very seriously. Our motto is that we only work with vetted vendors and great experts, which is essential for maintaining the high standards we set for our products. We focus on our core strengths and excel in what we do best, but we also recognize the importance of outsourcing tasks we're not specialized in to world-class experts. This collaborative approach enables us to create some of the best products in the market, ensuring that our creativity and innovation are never limited by our own capabilities.

 For example, we're currently developing a perfume with a client from New York. To achieve the desired fragrance, we are collaborating with a fragrance developer in Paris while simultaneously working on the product that the fragrance will go into. We leverage technology to enable the involvement of different people across various time zones and countries ensuring seamless cooperation. It's a testament to how our innovative approach extends beyond just product development; we're constantly working on enhancing these technological capabilities to facilitate such collaborations effectively.

  • With a focus on clean beauty, systems thinking, and the circular economy, what challenges do you face in maintaining these standards in your production processes?

 For us, clean beauty means creating the most effective, safe, and innovative skincare without being restricted by arbitrary ingredient lists. Keeping this in mind, our commitment to systems thinking and circular economy also involves understanding the entire lifecycle of our ingredients and packaging, aiming to support sustainability by reducing both their social and environmental impacts. Maintaining high standards in these are as clean beauty and sustainability involves constant vigilance and adaptation. Challenges include changes in ingredient quality, finding vendors that meet our rigorous standards, ensuring our supply chain is transparent and ethical, and continually innovating to reduce waste and improve our environmental footprint impact. Despite these challenges, our commitment to these values using systems thinking and the circular economy drives us to find creative solutions and set new industry benchmarks.

  • Your work emphasizes inclusivity and safe spaces. How do these values translate into the skincare products and experiences you offer?

 A significant portion of our clients are female entrepreneurs. We support them through our female founder fund, offering discounts to any female founder. Additionally, we work with many black and brown entrepreneurs who are striving to create solutions for the gaps they experience as consumers. Traditional contract manufacturing companies often exclude these founders due to unconscious biases. In contrast, EC Studios provides a flexible and inclusive environment, enabling these entrepreneurs to bring their innovative ideas to life. We also advocate for raw ingredients to be tested on black skin as most are only tested and developed for white and Asian skin.

 This commitment to inclusivity and safe spaces is also mirrored in our team, which comprises diverse individuals with a wide range of perspectives and experiences. By fostering an environment of collaboration and understanding, we create skincare products and experiences that truly resonate with our diverse clientele. 99% of our team is made of females working in STEM and that statistic alone is more rare than one would think.

  • What distinguishes EC Studios’ approach to R&D in the crowded beauty and wellness industry?

 At EC Studios, we pride ourselves on storytelling through ingredient sourcing and formula development. Unlike many in the industry, we don’t use any base formulas; everything we create is custom. This ensures that our developments truly align with our client’s marketing and product goals from start to finish. Additionally, we seamlessly combine art and science, constantly pushing boundaries and exploring new ways to rethink traditional categories and formats. We also work with a global network of vendors, outsourcing specialized tasks to experts worldwide. This collaborative approach ensures that each aspect of our products is crafted by those who excel in their specific fields, further distinguishing us in the crowded beauty and wellness industry.

  • Can you share insights into how you select and work with upcycled ingredient suppliers and niche fragrance houses?

 We’re always on the lookout for new niches of ingredient suppliers, especially those specializing in upcycled and biotech ingredients. Our philosophy is to harness the benefits of nature without causing harm, so we seek alternative methods that allow us to use natural resources sustainably. When selecting vendors, we prioritize those who share our values of honesty,  sustainability, innovation, and collaboration. Once we identify potential suppliers, we put them through a rigorous vetting process to ensure they meet our high standards.

At our studio, there is a lot of ongoing research. Our team constantly explores articles, research papers, and attends conferences and seminars to broaden and diversify their understanding of the industry and emerging trends that could impact us.

For example, our collaboration with a niche fragrance house in Paris originated from a discovery through a retailer. I found out that Dover Street Market started caring new brand developed by this fragrance developer. This approach is just one of the many ways we discover unique suppliers and partners. We're always on the lookout, and there are numerous paths to uncover these opportunities when you’re actively seeking them.

  • You describe a commitment to “slow beauty.” How does this philosophy manifest in your product creation and brand ethos?

 Our commitment to “slow beauty” is evident in our made-to-order approach, which ensures that every product is fresh and customized. This method allows us not to hold any inventory and continuously improve by learning from each batch, such as finding better suppliers or sprayers. This philosophy also extends to our development service, where we offer highly customized, niche solutions rather than mass-produced options like private labelling. This dedication to slow beauty permeates both the product and service sides of our brand, ensuring quality and sustainability at every step.

  • What role does your global network of laboratories and manufacturing partners play in your mission to develop products that are better for people and the planet?

 Often, when new brands are developing projects, the focus tends to be on finding the fastest and cheapest way to bring products to market. This can lead to overlooking the value of working with top-tier vendors and experts. Our global network of laboratories and manufacturing partners plays a crucial role in ensuring that we don’t compromise on quality or sustainability in pursuit of affordability. By collaborating with these specialized partners, we can develop products that are not only innovative and effective but also environmentally friendly and ethically produced. This network helps us uphold our mission to create products that are better for people and planet.

  • Everyday Chemist explores beauty through the lens of EC Studios. How does this relationship influence the products you develop?

 Our work at EC Studios directly influences the products we develop for Everyday Chemist. The synergy between research, development, and real-world application allows us to create innovative, effective, and sustainable skincare solutions. By leveraging our expertise and collaboration network, we ensure that our products reflect cutting-edge advancements and meet the high standards of both our services and product lines.

  • The concept of “beauty on the go” is central to your products. How do you design your formulations to adapt to diverse climates and environments?

 As an immigrant, I am always on the move, visiting family all over the world, mainly in Europe. The vast difference between Canadian and European weather is central to my approach to skincare development. When we first moved to Canada, I started developing eczema due to the cold and dry weather, and during COVID summers, I began getting rashes. I realized the only thing that was different was that I wasn't back home, so I started thinking about how to incorporate elements from my background into these products. Silky Water is made with seawater to mimic those Mediterranean summers, providing the benefits of seawater minerals. Lip Grease was formulated to heal dry lips during the cold Canadian winters. Additionally, all of our products are under 100 ml because we know luggage space is prime real estate, so I wanted to make sure people can travel with them in their hand luggage as well. This ensures that our customers can maintain their skincare routines no matter where they are in the world.

  • As the daughter of a chemical engineer, how has your relationship with your mother influenced your approach to beauty and business?

Growing up, our shelves were always filled with a wide range of cosmetic products. This was a dream for a teenager struggling with multiple skin issues. I always thought of my mother as a genius, so it was only natural for me to be drawn to her industry and her work. She taught me to approach the beauty industry with a focus on ingredients and formulations rather than just marketing. This perspective has deeply influenced how I develop and create products, ensuring they are effective and scientifically sound.

  • With the global beauty market constantly expanding, are there new territories or markets you’re particularly excited to explore?

 Europe! My end goal is to live in Europe, close to my friends and family, so that's the next step for us. Additionally, we aim to create a stronger foothold in the US from a client perspective and in Korea from a vendor perspective. Expanding in these regions will allow us to grow our network and reach, bringing our products to a broader audience while establishing meaningful collaborations with vendors.

  • Can you share a personal skincare ritual or favorite product that has a special meaning to you?

 Applying Lip Grease before bed every night is a ritual I have maintained for a decade. If I don't have it on before bed, I feel agitated. Lip Grease represents my mother's love and the beginning of this business. It is everything to me, embodying both personal care and the deep connection to my family's influence on my journey in the skincare industry.

  • Looking forward, what can we expect from EC Studios and Everyday Chemist in the upcoming year?

 We are in the process of developing a platform to support the research and development arm of our business. Additionally, we are combining our Everyday Chemist product line and EC Studios services to create a cohesive and strong brand. For our products, you can expect limited edition items, partnerships with retailers, and new product SKUs. With EC Studios, we aim to collaborate with hospitality groups. My past experience in hospitality is central to my approach to our business, and it would be a dream to combine the two fields.

  • Is there a particular innovation or project you’re currently working on that you can share with our readers?

 If we can build the platform to the level we want to — this will mark a new future for the skincare industry.





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