Beauty, Wellness, and the Social Media Revolution: A Conversation with Entrepreneur Jessie Chase



Step into the world of Jessie Chase, a French-American entrepreneur from New York based in Paris who effortlessly bridges the gap between beauty, wellness, and the digital realm. With an innate sense of style and a passion for cultivating community, Jessie's journey is a testament to her unique ability to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the industry.

In this interview with FUTURE OF SKINCARE, Jessie opens up about her personal wellness journey and the profound impact it has had on her approach to beauty. From her early days immersed in the world of yoga to her foray into the fashion industry and her pivotal role in community management for Lancôme, every step has shaped her into the trailblazer she is today.

Delve into the conversation as Jessie shares her insights on the future of the industry, where the fusion of beauty, wellness, and social media opens up endless possibilities.



  • Can you tell us about your journey in the beauty and wellness industry and how you became the founder of The Social Medium

    My wellness journey started as early as high school, where I began to practice yoga regularly. Soon after, I was one of Soul Cycle’s first clients at their original location on the Upper West Side, while I studied at Columbia University. Upon arrival in Paris at 22, nearly 10 years ago, the wellness scene was far from where it is today. I watched the wellness revolution evolve before my eyes as I moved from the fashion industry to beauty, where I created the global community management strategy for Lancôme, while consulting for Publicis. During Covid, with the digital explosion, I began to consult for clean beauty brands like Holidermie. Seeing great potential in this sector, I decided to leave Publicis to start my own company, The Social Medium that catered mainly to likeminded holistic brands. Today we work on digital strategies for all types of brands from Paris to New York to Los Angeles. We are in constant expansion.

  • How do you see social media impacting the future of skincare and beauty, and what role do you think it will play in shaping consumer attitudes towards these industries?

    Social media is a forever evolving canvas, which is a platform that allows consumers and businesses to tell their story. It provides more opportunities for self expression and a closer proximity between brands and their customers. I think it will continue to benefit these industries, while challenging all users.

  • In a constantly evolving industry, how do you stay up-to-date with the latest beauty and wellness trends, and what sources do you rely on for inspiration?

    Cliche maybe, but I use social media. Instagram is my source of inspiration. I take time each morning and evening to scroll, making sure I am on top of the newest innovations, releases and general announcements. I also subscribe to a select number of newsletters that I find pertinent and interesting.

  • Can you share how you use social media to educate and inspire people about beauty and wellness trends, and what strategies have been the most effective for you?

    I keep my favorites list on Instagram up to date. This allows me to keep my eyes on accounts I don’t want to miss out on. The algorithm is difficult to keep up with and I truly enjoy following a vast and diverse group of people. By using my favorites page I am still free to follow thousands of accounts while keeping my eye on the ball for trends.

  • Looking to the future, what do you think will be the next big trend in the beauty and wellness industries, and how do you stay ahead of the curve in anticipating these changes?

    Beauty tech is already here! I believe this will continue to evolve and become even that much more present and important. I believe we will also continue to simplify our routines and the ingredients in our products. Working between the USA and France keeps me up to date. France is the leader in age old secrets and the USA is continuing to reinvent.

  • How do cultural differences between the US and France influence the way people approach beauty and wellness, and how do you navigate these differences with your brand and content?

    I find that the USA can have a pretty extreme approach to just about everything. I tend to align more with the French way of doing things, that to me is more about balance. The USA way can be imitating to the French and vice-versa. There isn’t one right or wrong way of doing things and to me this is the most important thing for people to keep in mind.

  • Have there been any particular French beauty or wellness rituals or practices that you've adopted and incorporated into your own routine since moving to France, and if so, which ones?

    Taking care of my skin. It’s so basic, but when I moved to Paris I didn’t even moisturize. It sounds crazy but it’s true! I’ve learned to wear my hair natural. I was getting my hair Japanese straightened prior, it’s definitely better this way! I have always been inspired by the French woman’s commitment to “getting dressed”. Even in New York, wearing sweatpants out is considered normal. I try to put on a good outfit no matter the circumstances nowadays!

  • How do you see the wellness industry evolving in the next 5-10 years, and what do you see as the biggest challenges and opportunities facing the industry?

    New brands are born every day! This is going to make for a major challenge as we move forward. The market is overly saturated and it is hard to know where to begin when selecting a new product. This will be a challenge for not only the brands themselves but for actors like my company who is constantly looking to help brands reinvent their strategy.

  • Can you discuss any current or upcoming projects you have in the works, and what can we expect to see from The Social Medium in the future?

    We are beginning to consult for brands in the USA looking to expand in France and vice-versa. I am very excited to announce that we have officially started working with Clase Azul and Higher Dose on this matter. You can expect more of this to come!

  • As someone who has successfully built brands on social media, what advice would you give to aspiring beauty influencers and entrepreneurs who are just starting out in the industry?

    Stick to one thing and do it really well! I see a lot of brands with product lines so diverse and vast that it is difficult to follow and know what is best.

  • If you could imagine and create the perfect skincare product, what features and benefits would it have, and what makes it stand out from other products on the market?

    To be honest, I would not create a product. There are already so many on the market for every skin type and concern. In my opinion there are already more than enough brands on the market. I would create a platform for consumers to find the perfect product, instead of creating an actual product.



Interview by Jalila Levesque

Photo credits: Jessie Chase / The Social Medium


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