Shaping the Future of Supplements: An Interview with Erika Fogeiro, the Founder of Combeau



Welcome to the world of Combeau, a place where wellness and innovation intersect. Erika Fogeiro , the visionary founder behind this pioneering brand, has revolutionized the supplement industry by prioritizing transparency, quality, and personalized care. In a thought-provoking interview with Future of Skincare, Erika provides valuable insights into the vital role supplements play in attaining optimal health and glowing skin. Explore how Combeau is reshaping the beauty landscape from the inside out, meticulously crafting formulas that embody the future of well-being.



  • What ignited your passion to delve into the beauty industry?

    There are things that we can't quite explain! I've always been drawn to beauty and nature. As a child, I dreamed of being a cosmetic researcher and I used to mix my own concoctions in my grandparents' garage: I've always been spellbound by this world.

    Contrary to popular belief, it's a highly demanding field, engaging a variety of diverse skills. While working in the beauty industry, I realized that I'm constantly learning - and that's what truly motivates me: learning.

  • How did your prior beauty industry experiences equip you for launching your own brand?

    I'm not certain that one can be fully prepared for entrepreneurship. Indeed, having always worked in this sector provided me with work methods - which I then applied to the project. But entrepreneurship is very specific, so I'd say I did my best with my background and professional experience - like everyone else, I believe :-)

  • How does Combeau set itself apart from other brands in the market?

    Combeau is more than just a brand, it's a comprehensive ecosystem of experts and enthusiasts in their respective fields, whose aim is to rethink the entire supply chain of dietary supplements. While some brands are content with a sleek image and modern positioning, we fully control the development of our formulas, the sourcing of our raw materials selected according to our ultra-rigorous charter, as well as their final formulation. For our community, this translates into universal products, meticulously designed, easy to use, and whose efficacy is backed by several proprietary clinical studies.

  • Your journey to developing COMBEAU was sparked by your personal struggle with acne and health issues. How do you see the intersection between internal and external wellness, and what role do you think supplements and nutrition play in achieving radiant, healthy skin?

    The skin is the body's organ that bridges our inner and outer lives – it speaks for our body.

    Having long suffered from acne and having undergone strong medicinal treatments to eradicate it - I was able to experience the sense of the body-skin connection. Indeed, these treatments greatly weakened me, and it's thanks to dietary supplements and a change in diet that I was able to truly recover and sustainably clear my acne.

    That's why we wanted to launch a first formula dedicated to skin health. It was both a way of illustrating this connection between inner and outer life and also because, through my story, it was a formula that I held close to my heart.

    Nutrition must obviously be the foundation of everything. And I must say that dietary supplements often suffer from their name. They are not there to replace but rather to provide an addition and complement.

    In short, what I'm trying to say is that for the entire Combeau team, health and beauty are intimately linked and should be inseparable notions.

  • Can you elaborate on the importance of transparency in the supplement industry and how Combeau upholds this value?

    This large project of revolutionizing the supplement market naturally came to me following my personal and professional experiences. I’ve been working in the cosmetic industry for more than 8 years, where I’ve seen how business considerations often overshadow the final quality of the product - regrettably. The more time passed, the more I realized I did not align with such considerations, and overall, with the mindset of some traditional players. As a genuine skincare and cosmetics aficionado, I was deeply convinced that we could do much better in terms of transparency, formulation, efficacy & global experience. And as a young 30-year-old woman, I wanted to have a better impact on the planet, to provide true and honest solutions to people’s daily lives, and I wanted to do it now.

  • How crucial is R&D in the beauty industry, especially when it comes to developing innovative products? What do you think will be the most significant skincare trend in the next five years?

    For us, R&D is paramount. Since the beginning, my obsession was to launch products of utmost quality. Hence, patience is needed, time should be taken (which is not always evident in a sector that globally values continuous novelty). I'm not sure if we can talk about trends, but mental health is very close to my heart and that's why all of our formulas integrate active ingredients that act on stress and emotional balance. Stress and more generally mental health are still taboo ailments, yet they affect the majority. It's necessary to talk about it, to normalize it and to propose real solutions to our community.

  • Can you shed light on your creative process for developing new products, and what inspires you when crafting new formulas?

    The development process comes from observing real life combined with our pursuit of excellence and our values. We start from an obvious unaddressed need - and then we set up our specific development method - the details of which I obviously won't share here :-)

  • How do you stay abreast with the latest trends and advancements in the beauty and wellness industry, and how do you integrate that knowledge into your work at Combeau?

    Like everyone else, I think, being passionate, I continually observe what's happening around me and in the industry. I've always been very curious and I found a way to express this trait for a good cause, haha. Social Networks, Podcasts, Books, Meetings, Movies, Restaurants, Hotels, Destinations, Museums: everything is inspiration, I believe!

  • What advice would you give to someone looking to start their own venture in the beauty industry, based on your experiences as a founder?

    Never give up and work hard :)

  • How do you envision Combeau evolving and expanding in the future, both in terms of product offerings and the brand's overall mission and values?

    I simply hope that we will continue to grow in a healthy and stable way, little by little. By launching only exceptional formulas that bring a real difference to our community.

    As for our mission and values, I don't think they will change: reconnecting humans to their physical and mental well-being, in respect of the environment that surrounds us: I believe this is a lifelong mission.

  • Can you divulge any exciting new products or initiatives that Combeau has in the pipeline for the future?

    At the time I write these lines, we are about to launch COMBEAU LAB - the largest co-development initiative ever proposed in the dietary supplement sector. The backstory is that we are constantly developing new formulas with the team, but we wanted to complete, guide, and perfect them with our community! This is our big news at the moment. I can't wait!!

  • Who are some of the brands and founders in the beauty and wellness industry that you admire and draw inspiration from?

    Without hesitation, Juliette Levy Cohen, the founder of Oh My Cream, is an incredible entrepreneur whose kindness and intelligence inspire me a lot!

  • If you could envision and create the perfect skincare product, what would it look like? What ingredients would you use and what benefits would it provide?

    Haha, if I answer this question, I will give away too many details about the upcoming new releases :-) What I can say is that a good product is a responsible and transparent one - both in its sourcing, packaging, and in the communication carried out around it -.



Interview by Jalila Levesque

Photo credits: combeau


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