Lucie Solal: Redefining Sexual Wellness with Blush Intimacy

Lucie Solal, the French founder and CEO of Blush Intimacy, has embarked on an extraordinary journey to challenge societal norms and empower individuals in their pursuit of intimacy.

Inspired by her own experiences with motherhood, Lucie delved deep into the realms of intimacy and the human body, liberating herself from societal pressures and shedding light on the taboos that surround sexuality. It was during the postpartum period that Lucie's vision for Blush Intimacy crystallized, driven by a passionate desire to create a brand that embraces beauty, well-being, and empowerment.

Determined to work with and for women, Lucie forged ahead, leaving no room for retreat. Blush Intimacy became more than just a brand; it became a vessel for Lucie's personal rebirth and a catalyst for intimate revolutions in the lives of individuals around the world.

With her engineering background, Lucie brought a unique perspective to Blush Intimacy, shaping the very essence of the brand. Through meticulous testing and collaboration within the Sextech industry, she crafted a caring community that revolves around Blush's vision, gaining invaluable insights into the desires and expectations of her customers.

In this interview, Lucie Solal shares her remarkable journey, her inspirations, and the profound impact Blush Intimacy is making in the realm of sexual wellness.



  • Can you tell us about your journey in the sexual wellness industry? What inspired you to create Blush Intimacy?

My experiences with motherhood played a pivotal role in shaping my approach to sexuality and professional aspirations. It all began with a deep interest in intimacy and the human body. The postpartum period, a suspended moment in a woman's life, helped me let go of societal pressures related to performance, frequency, and sexual taboos.

As I shared and exchanged thoughts with those around me, the desire to create a strong brand, drawing inspiration from the worlds of beauty and wellness, was born.

The obvious choice to work with women, for women, left no room for turning back—the wheels were set in motion. Blush Intimacy accompanies the personal rebirth I experienced, the intimate revolution within each individual!

  • How did your background as an engineer influence the creation of Blush Intimacy?

To enter the Sextech industry, which I was completely unfamiliar with, I tested an extensive selection of brands on the market. I focused on creating a caring community around Blush's vision and sought to understand the expectations of my customers. However, my background as an engineer soon caught up with me, and the desire to offer a distinctive product became clear. I wanted to design the perfect beginner's sex toy without compromising on materials and performance while keeping it affordable. That was Blush's original mission, my primary desire—to break down all barriers (social, psychological, and economic) and make sex toys more accessible. Moreover, there is something incredibly satisfying about understanding the common thread throughout one's life, connecting the dots, and giving them meaning. Everything is interconnected.

  • Can you talk about the design process behind creating Ona, Blush Intimacy's first sex toy created with input from the community of women?

I love working with women—it's what was missing in the V1 of my life—so naturally, I surrounded myself with designers, creatives, and, most importantly, my predominantly female community to create Ona. The brief was simple: we needed to create a sex toy without compromise that would spark curiosity despite societal taboos. Ona is the perfect blend of design (to be discreetly placed on a bedside table) and effectiveness, whether used alone or with a partner, providing the best customer experience.

  • How do you approach product development and ensure that your products meet the needs and expectations of your customers?

Defining the needs is crucial in the process, requiring a diverse range of perspectives, especially in this relatively unexplored field where everyone has their own approach and modesty holds a significant place. Once the needs are clear, the most iterative part begins: finding the right partners, the best materials, and staying true to the requirements despite production challenges. Product development acts as a conductor, coordinating various professional disciplines (i.e., speaking multiple languages!) while staying close to the brief without stifling the underlying creative process. It's a delicate balancing act!

  • What role do you see technology playing in the future of sexual wellness products?

Technology has always been at the heart of the sex industry, and vice versa. Whether it's the early days of communication tools, online payments, streaming, or even the representation of sextech at CES, sexuality has always been at the forefront of technological revolutions. The future will undoubtedly hold surprises, but I envision a sector that is increasingly inclusive (for women and the LGBTQ+ community). This will result in a growing focus on "wellness" with products inspired by femininity, such as skincare technology and technology addressing sexual pain (an often overlooked aspect).

  • In your opinion , what role does sexual wellness play in overall wellness and self-care?

A seamless transition from the previous question! Blush's mission is to place sexuality at the core of well-being. We aim for sex to be perceived more as a fulfilling well-being experience. It's an ambitious project, to say the least! Our vision is that sexuality is an integral part of the balance equation in life. When one's fitness routine, beauty regimen, nutrition, and sleep are in harmony, libido thrives, and sexual energy flows. Conversely, sexuality can impact sleep, fitness, and self-confidence. The hormones released during sexual activity and orgasms bring a myriad of benefits to the body and brain that should be better understood.

  • In what ways do you see the sexual wellness industry evolving in the next few years, and how do you plan on staying ahead of the curve?

In a post-COVID society, where well-being and self-care experiences are highly valued, I believe the industry will also develop in this direction. However, considering the limitations of intimate experiences, the key lies in customer education. Customer guidance is crucial. Transmitting our values will be the focus in the coming years. Blush is already supporting its partners and distributors in this regard. It's not just about offering products; it's about explaining the approach to ensure the best (at-home) experience, whether offline or online. Social media platforms play a crucial role in this process, and by the way, if meta is reading this, it's high time that sexual well-being is destigmatized there!

  • Can you discuss any new projects or products that Blush Intimacy has in the works?

Just for Future of Skincare then ;) After launching Ona, our first ultra-compact sex toy ideal for beginners, I want to involve my community and customers in products that help them slow down and bring more mindfulness and intention. Exploring different textures and temperatures will be at the core of our future developments.

At the core of our mission is the commitment to make sexual well-being an integral part of everyone's daily life. We believe in providing top-notch dispensers that transcend the traditional and unwelcoming realm of sex shops. For example, we've recently partnered with the renowned French clean beauty authority Oh My Cream to feature Ona, further expanding their focus into the realm of intimate well-being alongside the introduction of Blush. Moreover, we're excited to announce our presence at the Maison&Objet exhibition. This remarkable collaboration truly embodies our unwavering commitment to destigmatize and elevate the realm of sexual well-being.

  • If you could imagine and create the perfect sexual wellness product, what would it be like?

Ah, this is a great question! Wouldn't it already be Ona? ;) A 100% French-made Ona? I'm waiting for an industry to develop in France! In a perfect world, it would be directly connected to our desires, hands-free, completely silent, guaranteed for life, and so small that we could take it anywhere ;) 



Interview by Jalila Levesque

Photo credits: Blush Intimacy


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